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General >> Splošno,  aktualno ... >> kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?

Message started by sinjeoka on 04.03.2005 at 08:37:52

Title: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by sinjeoka on 04.03.2005 at 08:37:52

kdo ali kaj je izbrisal topik od Andresa in mojo objavo za zavzemanje za človekove pravice do piščancev?


Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Kali on 04.03.2005 at 08:41:36

jst sm ga tud že is gone with a wind, lol 8) :o ;D ;)

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by sinjeoka on 04.03.2005 at 08:44:16

sem ga najdla

ama je bolj gone with the smoke of ganja.

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Lilith on 04.03.2005 at 08:44:38

Sinja, vidim, da si ga že našla na Pozitivkah.

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Kali on 04.03.2005 at 08:50:34

:o :o :o ;D ;D ;D :-*

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by ViSiON on 04.03.2005 at 09:50:49

Enu se je mal v hlačah zatresl oz. si ne mogel soičit z dejstvi.  ???

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Andres on 04.03.2005 at 19:52:17

Na temu forumu kjer vlada najbolj liberalna politika je administrator/moderator pobrisal kar cel topic.

Super stvar, saj s tem je priznal osebno zmotljivost in slepomišenje do drugih, predvsem tistih mladih, ki v zafiksanosti vidijo samo dober učinek trenutnega stanja.  Posledice so vidne še dolgo. Zgodovina Presleya recimo pa je znana.

Torej. Tu se lahko jeba v glavo kogarkoli in kadarkoli dokler ne stopiš na rep osebnemu prepričanja in življenskemu stilu Administratrojev/moderatorjev.


Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Kali on 04.03.2005 at 19:59:04

Andres wrote on 04.03.2005 at 19:52:17:
Na temu forumu kjer vlada najbolj liberalna politika je administrator/moderator pobrisal kar cel topic.

Super stvar, saj s tem je priznal osebno zmotljivost in slepomišenje do drugih, predvsem tistih mladih, ki v zafiksanosti vidijo samo dober učinek trenutnega stanja.  Posledice so vidne še dolgo. Zgodovina Presleya recimo pa je znana.

Torej. Tu se lahko jeba v glavo kogarkoli in kadarkoli dokler ne stopiš na rep osebnemu prepričanja in življenskemu stilu Administratrojev/moderatorjev.


mal si pozabil na MERLIN pa keneddI=JA! :P


Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Miro on 04.03.2005 at 21:06:15

Prestavili so dol pod;action=display;num=1109895454

Stara politika, ne moreš rečt, da so te cenzurali, samo fuknili so te tja, kamor nihče ne pogleda. Pa še kao da se to tiče pozitivk lahko rečejo.

Meni je to vztrajno delal Aleš, tisti, ki ima vedno polna usta ljubezni in bratstva, misli pa samo na svoj žep. Tisti, ki si ga pohvalil, da dela revolucijo ::)  

Brez dvoma pa je prohibicija tema, ki paše na najbolj gledano stran, ne glede na to, da nekaj o njej (namreč, da slepi) piše tudi v pozitivkah.

Sploh sem se pa od "duhovnega" folka že navadil, da so pri njih dovoljene vse neumnosti, samo resnico zabijajo nekam v poden. Ker se je bojijo.

Da ne bi kdo mislil nasprotno, osebno sem za legalizacijo gandže, predvsem pa sem za legalizacijo izražanja mnenj brez hipokritskih posegov administratorjev.

Gape's home - everybody's home? Ne me basat.

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Iga on 04.03.2005 at 21:36:20

wrote on 04.03.2005 at 21:06:15:
Prestavili so dol pod;action=display;num=1109895454

Stara politika, ne moreš rečt, da so te cenzurali, samo fuknili so te tja, kamor nihče ne pogleda. Pa še kao da se to tiče pozitivk lahko rečejo.

Meni je to vztrajno delal Aleš, tisti, ki ima vedno polna usta ljubezni in bratstva, misli pa samo na svoj žep. Tisti, ki si ga pohvalil, da dela revolucijo ::)  

Brez dvoma pa je prohibicija tema, ki paše na najbolj gledano stran, ne glede na to, da nekaj o njej (namreč, da slepi) piše tudi v pozitivkah.

Sploh sem se pa od "duhovnega" folka že navadil, da so pri njih dovoljene vse neumnosti, samo resnico zabijajo nekam v poden. Ker se je bojijo.

Da ne bi kdo mislil nasprotno, osebno sem za legalizacijo gandže, predvsem pa sem za legalizacijo izražanja mnenj brez hipokritskih posegov administratorjev.

Gape's home - everybody's home? Ne me basat.

Ker ima topic naslov:

Pozitivke + propaganda junkijev

sem ga prestavil tja kamor sodi sodi. Pa če se Andres, pa Sinja in še kdo na glavo postavi.

Če pa hočete pisati tem diru o prohibiciji in o ganđi in o čem koli hočete, potem si odprite topic o ganđi.

Miro. Pa ne zato, ker sem admistrator in kao imam več možnosti kot drugi. In tudi ni bil hipokratski poseg. Le in zgolj zaradi naslova sodi v dir Sončeve pozitivke.

Pa tudi jaz ne podpiram brisanja in ne podpiram prohibicije.

Lepo se imejte.

Iga ma vas rad. :-*

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Kali on 04.03.2005 at 22:08:51

wrote on 04.03.2005 at 21:06:15:
Prestavili so dol pod;action=display;num=1109895454

Stara politika, ne moreš rečt, da so te cenzurali, samo fuknili so te tja, kamor nihče ne pogleda. Pa še kao da se to tiče pozitivk lahko rečejo.

Meni je to vztrajno delal Aleš, tisti, ki ima vedno polna usta ljubezni in bratstva, misli pa samo na svoj žep. Tisti, ki si ga pohvalil, da dela revolucijo ::)  

Brez dvoma pa je prohibicija tema, ki paše na najbolj gledano stran, ne glede na to, da nekaj o njej (namreč, da slepi) piše tudi v pozitivkah.

Sploh sem se pa od "duhovnega" folka že navadil, da so pri njih dovoljene vse neumnosti, samo resnico zabijajo nekam v poden. Ker se je bojijo.

Da ne bi kdo mislil nasprotno, osebno sem za legalizacijo gandže, predvsem pa sem za legalizacijo izražanja mnenj brez hipokritskih posegov administratorjev.

Gape's home - everybody's home? Ne me basat.

SP :o :okey!!! :DA

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Kali on 04.03.2005 at 22:09:51

wrote on 04.03.2005 at 21:06:15:
Prestavili so dol pod;action=display;num=1109895454

Stara politika, ne moreš rečt, da so te cenzurali, samo fuknili so te tja, kamor nihče ne pogleda. Pa še kao da se to tiče pozitivk lahko rečejo.

Meni je to vztrajno delal Aleš, tisti, ki ima vedno polna usta ljubezni in bratstva, misli pa samo na svoj žep. Tisti, ki si ga pohvalil, da dela revolucijo ::)  

Brez dvoma pa je prohibicija tema, ki paše na najbolj gledano stran, ne glede na to, da nekaj o njej (namreč, da slepi) piše tudi v pozitivkah.

Sploh sem se pa od "duhovnega" folka že navadil, da so pri njih dovoljene vse neumnosti, samo resnico zabijajo nekam v poden. Ker se je bojijo.

Da ne bi kdo mislil nasprotno, osebno sem za legalizacijo gandže, predvsem pa sem za legalizacijo izražanja mnenj brez hipokritskih posegov administratorjev.

Gape's home - everybody's home? Ne me basat.

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Miro on 04.03.2005 at 23:18:40

wrote on 04.03.2005 at 21:36:20:
Ker ima topic naslov:

Pozitivke + propaganda junkijev

sem ga prestavil tja kamor sodi sodi. Pa če se Andres, pa Sinja in še kdo na glavo postavi.

Če pa hočete pisati tem diru o prohibiciji in o ganđi in o čem koli hočete, potem si odprite topic o ganđi.

Miro. Pa ne zato, ker sem admistrator in kao imam več možnosti kot drugi. In tudi ni bil hipokratski poseg. Le in zgolj zaradi naslova sodi v dir Sončeve pozitivke.

Pa tudi jaz ne podpiram brisanja in ne podpiram prohibicije.

Lepo se imejte.

Iga ma vas rad. :-*

Iga. Težko kupim tole, v rubriki Splošno, aktualno so bile objavljene praktično same take stvari, ki spadajo v druge rubrike in so še vedno tam. Recimo Kalijine ode radosti bi lahko prestavil nekam pod samozadovoljevanje. Tale Andresova bi pa lahko bila prava bomba, zdaj pa gnije tam nekje spodaj.

Ampak če nas maš res rad, potem je ok. Samo da se ne boš preveč navadil ljubezni, tako, kot revolucionar Aleš.

Hipokrat pa je bil en drug.

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Kali on 04.03.2005 at 23:47:46

wrote on 04.03.2005 at 23:18:40:
Hipokrat pa je bil en drug.

častna zdravniška, ego najraje prisega na dohtarje; jst tud, na tanarastrgane, kake đankije ponavad pa klošarje

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Iga on 05.03.2005 at 01:04:56

wrote on 04.03.2005 at 23:18:40:
Iga. Težko kupim tole, v rubriki Splošno, aktualno so bile objavljene praktično same take stvari, ki spadajo v druge rubrike in so še vedno tam. Recimo Kalijine ode radosti bi lahko prestavil nekam pod samozadovoljevanje. Tale Andresova bi pa lahko bila prava bomba, zdaj pa gnije tam nekje spodaj.

Ampak če nas maš res rad, potem je ok. Samo da se ne boš preveč navadil ljubezni, tako, kot revolucionar Aleš.

Hipokrat pa je bil en drug.

Miro, ni panike. Sej v bistvu lahko tudi nazaj dam. Ampak samo zaradi tebe. Da ti dokažem, da te mam rad. ;D

Zdej o Kali in njenem samozadovoljevanju pa ne bi debatiral. Sem jo prosil, naj neha limat plakate in širit topice, pa mi je za kazen razširila moj topic tam zgoraj. Pa naj ima veselje. Saj bo boljš.

Revolucijo pa bi se jaz šel bolj ob boku tebi. ;) Saj veš...Avanti popolo.....bandera rosa.... ;D

Evo, sem ga dal nazaj. Sam džabe je to, ker ga bo itak Kali pomalala. :P ;D

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Kali on 05.03.2005 at 01:23:07



allina tud kar naenkrat; pa tok resna je bla!!!


"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends."

"When you are right you cannot be too radical;
when you are wrong you cannot be too conservative."

"Our lives begin to end,
the day we become silent about things that matter."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Relationships of Convenience
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - March 1, 2005

Note.... I realize that most of you out there don't need to read what I wrote below.
Most of you would give the shirt off your back if it would make a difference in this world....
but maybe I was inspired to write it for those you might be connected to... your friends, family and co-workers etc...

The idea of convenience, and what we are willing to do, and not do, became a subject for thought the last few weeks.  It was triggered by a note I received from a bookstore owner in Chicago.  We were discussing the Solar Wave ( She was telling me that people would get involved only if it was convenient for them.  In other words, people would not participate in events that could have potential to heal humanity and the planet if it was inconvenient.  

I began to look at this idea of convenience.  In my sessions with clients I began to watch for places that they were willing to settle for less to avoid the inconvenience or conflict created by shifting or changing any given situation.  I began to see that a core reason why the consciousness of humanity and the state of our planet is the way it is,  is because it  is too inconvenient for us to fix it.

Have we become so comfortable, or should I say anesthetized, in our current situations that we are not willing make the changes needed in our lives, communities, countries and planet, to make a better life or a better world?  Are we stunting our spiritual and emotional well-being just because it's too inconvenient to begin to live our lifes purpose ?   Have we filled our lives up with so much doing, that we are to sedated to consider just being?

My heart would love to write about living love today, but I can't help seeing that many are settling for less than love in their relationships.  Many stay in a relationships much longer than they want to, because it is simply inconvenient to leave them.  It would mean they would have to go through the turmoil of losing the relationship.  Many things change when we leave any form of relationship.  We might have to move, change our jobs, lose a few of our friends or even wake up and evolve to the next level. Oh My!

We want a peace and harmony in the home, so we settle for less than good behavior from our children, just to get a few moments of peace.  It has become inconvenient to stand up to our little angels and do what we know is right.  Those little angels know this, and work us over and over controlling our lives.  

Our marriage and children are understandably difficult relationships to change, since there is a lot at stake.  But I have to ask WHY we allow a friends to abuse us. They treat us in a condescending ways, making us feel less than who we are? Do not support us. Are we willing to settle for half of a friendship and endure the drama or abuse that goes with the other half?

We settle for less in our jobs the same way we settle for less in relationships.  We stay in a job because it is to inconvenient to find a new job.  We have lost our passion for what we are doing but it has become to inconvenient to find our lifes work.  Our bosses and co-workers take advantage of the situation because they know that we will not stand up to being over worked and being used.   Why is it that we are willing to risk our health and endure in a stressful job over mere convenience?

We have convenience stores, convenient relationships, convenient on-line shopping, convenient jobs and live in convenient areas.  But do we ever ask ourselves are we really happy?  Do we ask why we are willing to settle for less?  Living convenient, tidy lives packs a huge price.  Are we willing to pay the price?  Staying in any situation as a matter of convenience takes a great toll on our physical health, our immune system, our spiritual lives, and our emotional body.  Convenience has also triggered a phenomena of global isolation and loneliness.  In order to stay in a relationship of convenience, one must shut down the heart just to endure the convenience.  It is no wonder why so many are unhappy, feel unwell, are tired all the time, and feel uninspired.  Are we willing to shut down our heart’s desires so we can maintain the conveniences of our lives?  Are we letting our dreams die to maintain the status quo?  Are our fantasies possible realties that we have given up on?  

There are only two ways to live; either in Love, or in Fear.  When we settle for less, we are not doing what is best for us; nor are we loving ourselves.  We are not living in truth or love.  We are actually living in fear.

If we are not willing to stand up and do what's best in our personal lives, with our family, with our community, or our country, then we are to blame for the state of our family, our community, our country and the planet.

This brings me back to where I started when I began to write this article.  I have a DREAM that we can change this world in a positive way.  I think it is your dream too, is it not?  I believe that we can create a world of peace, harmony and balance in spite of the overwhelming outer evidence.  I believe we can love our diversities; not fight over them.   I believe we have it in ourselves to see beyond the differences in race, religion and culture.  I believe in the power of gathering groups.  I believe in the power that YOU have, and the power that I have.  If we could just take a little time away from our busy lives to gather together, to multiply the power we have collectively, and DO SOMETHING GOOD!  The signs are evident.  We can not afford the price of convenience anymore.  
- Aluna Joy Yaxk'in

Equinoxes are 2 days a year that the Earth and Sun are in perfect balance.  On this day, when groups gather with positive intent, they can magnify their collective energy exponentially.  The next cosmic day of balance is on Sunrise, March 20th.   I hope you and your spiritual families will consider joining others around the world to make a difference.   See how others will be participating around the planet on Equinox.

Only a couple of weeks for you to prepare!!!
A Solar Synchronized 24 Hour Global Celebration to for Balance, Peace and Harmony.
All the details right here...

September 2005 Tour Dates and Prices will be posted very soon to this site.


We are asking for those working in power places for your feedback..

Call 928-282-6292 for an appointment   (Aluna is booked through April 11th at this time)

Sacred Site Essences made in Sacred Sites around the Planet
Read about them at

4 New Essence Blends for Challenging Times
Read about all 4 at

Ready for some new tunes?
I have had the awesome pleasure to work with these inspiring musical couples.... You can hear samples on-line !

Prepare for a magical, once in a lifetime experience of love and music.
Armand and Angelina will inspire you to experience "Heaven on Earth."

Twinflame's Angelic vocals floating upon a bed of divinely inspired Celestial / Celtic overtones.  
Heart opening music that is a healing balm to the soul.

A dear friend of mine Martin Gray, sacred site researcher and photographer... just had quite a few of his amazing images published in a NEW National Geographic book "GEOGRAPHY of RELIGION... Where God lives, Where Pilgrim walk." ISBN 0-7922-7313-3 An amazing book that covers five great religions and follows them around the globe defining the role of faith in human life and culture over the ages. You might want to check it out!

100% of your donation to the first 3 listed below goes to the children;
not charity bureaucracy.

*** Casa de Milagros is a Non-profit, Very Loving children's community that houses, heals and educates
beautiful abandoned Peruvian children.  They are always in need of tax deductible donations.
Recently hit hard by mud slides, and lost their water supply.   Help if you can.

****  House of the Children is dedicated to supporting the indigenous children and families in context to their cultural and environmental needs in the Manu Rain Forest of the Southeastern Peruvian Amazon.  Current projects include: secure drinking water, multilingual health & hygiene education, and secondary educational scholarships.

*** Help preserve Maya Tradition for the future of our planet A message from Rigoberto Itzep of
Momostenango, Guatemala of Mission Maya Wajshakib Batz

*** Tons of Tsunami Survivors Help links -

Just return this e-mail with REMOVE in the subject line.  

Let us know, and we will correct the pesky problem.  THANKS for being so patient and kind.  

Want to send your friends CENTER of the SUN news.
Send their e-mail address and say REQUEST NEWSLETTER in the subject line.

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Miro on 05.03.2005 at 23:05:02

wrote on 05.03.2005 at 01:04:56:
Revolucijo pa bi se jaz šel bolj ob boku tebi. ;) Saj veš...Avanti popolo.....bandera rosa.... ;D

Yeah! To. Ti si naš! Zarje so rdeče!!!
Noč je brezpravna za nami, pred nami svobode je dan!

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Devi on 05.03.2005 at 23:11:07

mene pa zanima... a bi kdo od vas res kri prelival za svoje cilje?

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Lilith on 06.03.2005 at 00:00:45

Mene tudi to zanima, če ste pri vsem ostalem tak striktni, zakaj potem Kalijine verbalne masturbacije ne odložite nekam bogu za hrbet? Ali je njeno stanje res tak urgentno, da sodi pod Splošno aktualno? ::)

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Lilith on 06.03.2005 at 00:01:50

Devi wrote on 05.03.2005 at 23:11:07:
mene pa zanima... a bi kdo od vas res kri prelival za svoje cilje?

Ej, Devi, to je pa ful težko vprašanje.  Če bi kdo ogrožal življenja oseb, ki so mi ljube ali pa moje življenje....takrat po moje bi.

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Iga on 06.03.2005 at 00:30:37

Lilith wrote on 06.03.2005 at 00:01:50:
Ej, Devi, to je pa ful težko vprašanje.  Če bi kdo ogrožal življenja oseb, ki so mi ljube ali pa moje življenje....takrat po moje bi.

moj podpis

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Iga on 06.03.2005 at 00:34:11

Lilith wrote on 06.03.2005 at 00:00:45:
Mene tudi to zanima, če ste pri vsem ostalem tak striktni, zakaj potem Kalijine verbalne masturbacije ne odložite nekam bogu za hrbet? Ali je njeno stanje res tak urgentno, da sodi pod Splošno aktualno? ::)

Ti si menda tega faha, da boš bolj vedela kot jaz, kaj je s Kali. Se pa nekaj dogaja. Zdaj, ali gre na boljše ali na slabše, pa ne vem. 8) ::)

Title: Re: kje je vcerajsnji topik od Andresa?
Post by Kali on 06.03.2005 at 00:41:23

kaj naj anrdim? če sm raje lepa in modra=blue=žalostna, kokr zabavna in grda; al hoče slučajno kdo povedat, da sem v bistvu lahko popolna taka kot sem in popolnoma vse kar nameravam biti? al to slučajno že sem? :-[

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