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General >> Osebna,  psihološka in sociološka razmišljanja >> PETRA!.)

Message started by petra pan on 16.03.2005 at 20:12:35

Title: PETRA!.)
Post by petra pan on 16.03.2005 at 20:12:35

[glb]right now, I (am) just wonder! [/glb] :P

[glb]more latter, now is PIZZA TIME!!![/glb]


you are beautiful!!!

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 18.03.2005 at 17:32:20

[glb]***& Aj, just keep on******[/glb]

::) :P :-X

[glb]aha! :da[/glb]

baby , can I hold you tonight?

baby if I told you the right words at the right time
you would be ****

aj **** U god
I %%5% me god

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by Eva on 18.03.2005 at 19:36:48

wrote on 16.03.2005 at 20:12:35:

you are beautiful!!!

moj trigr!

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 19.03.2005 at 20:31:44



Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 20.03.2005 at 11:48:35

if I know it, you can not bite me NOW!

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 20.03.2005 at 12:01:10


Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by mauk on 20.03.2005 at 16:14:00

A to je stran, kjer si lahko daš duška
izliješ vso bolečino iz sebe in na koncu
napišeš eno pesem?

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 20.03.2005 at 22:01:01

mauk wrote on 20.03.2005 at 16:14:00:
A to je stran, kjer si lahko daš duška
izliješ vso bolečino iz sebe in na koncu
napišeš eno pesem?

8) :P :-X

pa si me, he he



Title: 3.4. 1990; seli
Post by petra pan on 20.03.2005 at 23:13:33


Čutim, da padam
telo mi pada navzdol
duša mi pada navzdol
vsa padam navzdol

Nosi me in nosi
sploh se ne ustavi
mar je to brezno
res tako globoko?

Kdaj bom prenehala lesti navzdol
kdaj se bom pobrala in šla gor?
Kdo mi pomaga voditi pot navzgor?
Sama sem bila in bom zato padam navzdol.

[glb]CHERE'S TWEETY[/glb]


Title: 3.4.1990, seli
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 00:12:27

pa prosim, ne se projecirat, k jst to zdele pa res z anmenom delam, he he,

I INTEND "B! WITH MY PERSONAL JEZUS! to = vse kar je:=*

2. Stoji in gleda proti meni
postaja me strah
postajam paranoičen
po telesu me spreletava mrzlica
in hkrati mi s čela lije pot.

Gleda me prav očitno
strmi vame
in njene zelene oči se lesketajo
rahlo odpre usta
in mene grabi panika.

Kroži po prostoru
in ves čas gleda vame
strah me je minil
celo všeč mi je
kajti zaprta je v trdni kletki
iz katere ne more pobegniti niti ona - puma.

AHA! the one and only;

Title: btw
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 00:17:53

Title: jaz = ego (?3.4.90, 2?)
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 00:26:49


Samo je
se suši
listje odpada
korenine trohnijo
ne rojeva plodov
v samoti trpi

tnx Babaji!

Title: 4.11.1990, Silio
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 00:34:57

4. Norec sem,
brez kril,
ne morem leteti.
Brez kril sem.
Brez upanja.
Brez življenja.
Brez kril.  :o :o :o

Title: %Ra Pan 4.11.1990, Silio
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 00:41:54






Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 00:45:43


Title: -?- 4.11.SELI
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 00:55:24



He came into my body
He came into my mind
Into my heart
Into my feelings
He came and staied in me
I can"t control my dping
But I can"t let him win!.htm

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 01:04:08

It is telepathic, psychic, dimensionally visual…; able to be seen, felt, heard and directly known by our higher dimensional senses.


There are myriad's of different tones specific to our bodies, energy systems, light bodies, the earth… As you play, you will discover these, but do not be concerned with specifics, just have fun. Some of the possibilities are: your Star Tone, which is related to the star system you are very much aligned with due to extensive past lives there, or where you originated from as a Spirit. Other tones can be related to chakras, the earth (Earth Tone); your heart (Heart Tone); your soul (Soul Tone - Soul Presence); Higher Self – (IAM Presence Tone); God Presence Tone…, all specifically resonating with these aspects of ourselves. You will find the frequencies you most resonate with and make sounds you never imagined. Many of these will be related to different animals, devas, faerys…

Heal all your past wounds where you may have misused sound in any way, intentionally or unintentionally, (especially Atlantis, Egypt, Orion…). Forgive yourself and others associated with these lifetimes and ask for karmic absolution for you all. Heal all of your past wounds also associated with the positive use of sound where you were ostracized, rejected, killed…, for toning, chanting, singing, light-languaging, (speaking in tongues), channeling, prophesizing..., and speaking the truth.

Now open a doorway, (tunnel, Light column, Rainbow Bridge), above your head to the Light. See these things moving off to the light, give them all up to God. See the Angels taking them away.

“And I ask for complete Karmic Absolution for anything and with anyone related to these vows, agreements, beliefs, patterns... I also ask for my soul extensions and aspects related to them to be placed in Healing Chambers and Love Cocoons, to be healed and released from their own patterns of denial, and I ask for an Angelic Activation for the all”.

“I now ask my Spirit (I-AM-God-Goddess-Presence) for New Pictures of Reality, Insights, Awarenesses and Divine Structures, to replace these Vows, Agreements… And I ask for massive Grace and Ease in the release and integration of all of this. I now close any and all 3rd and 4th dimensional doorways associated with these vows. And So It Is!”

They were like two mega-magnets that were so strongly attracted to one another that they could not split apart.

Title: silio
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 01:26:23

7.  KRAS

Tu grm
Tam skala
Kjer sem sedela
In jokala

Nate spomin
je zbledel
čustva omrtvičil
nikoli več me ni prevzel
Ptica na nebu
leti le-ti
tebe si
moje srce spet želi.

Title: silio 4.11.1990
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 01:31:16

8. Hodim
a lebdim
a govorim
   a živim
   Ljubim te
   in si te želim!

I am walking
but I float
I am sleeping
but I speak
I am dying
but I live
I love you
and I want need you!

Title: 4+7=11-9=2
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 01:37:20


V srcu mojem
Meč zadrt je
Povzroča bol mi,
ki skeli.
Krvava solza
po licu teče
Na srce mi zdrsi
Na rano,
ki skeli.

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 01:40:56


I intend happy end....

pripravite robčke ;D



sm vidla, lol

naturlich, happy beginning

Title: še to, pa mam % minut pauze, right?
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 01:56:29

10. (4.11.1990)
Stopam tiho po ulici,
nate mislim in hitim
solza teče mi po licu
nate mislim in trpim.

Zvezde gledajo me z neba
nobena sreče mi ne da
srce mi polno je gorja
vedno sama sem bila.

Kakšno moje življenje je bilo
je sploh vredno živeti ga bilo
mar bo napaka če sama
določim smrtno uro.

V reko strmim
in si te želim
gledam v dno
skočim v brezno.

Zadnji krik smrti
iz ust prirjovi
nihče ga ne sliši
nobenemu zame mar ni.


Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 02:01:28


Ljudje stopajo po cesti,
kličejo v črno noč,
stopajo mimo mene,
jaz, ki kličem na pomoč.

Title: silio, yo!
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 02:11:07

12. Zakaj je v življenju tako hudo
nihče ne potolaži te
kadar najbolj ti je hudo
bridko ti razjokaj se
morda ti bo bolje
ali pa tudi ne
življenje je kruto
nanj navadi se.

12 Strong energy that ignites because 12 is a spiritual catalyst. The group, the family, the association.

Title: :hm...........bRm............bRm.........
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 02:39:18

13. -22.11.1989, gamma-


čutim, da padam,
padam vse globje,
vse globje v depresijo.

nihče mi ne pomaga,
ne pomaga mi preživeti,
preživeti in srečno zaživeti.

In vse,
vse kar mi ostane,
ostane mi le britvica,
britivica s katero pojdem v smrt.

13 The foundation and base of the pyramid. Realization and transmutation. The magic of being able to change and create, Governs all the other numbers

1 Great force and power. The first gear, (like compound) but it does not flow easily. Unity. The first Force is complete. Force of creation.

14. 22.11. 1989, gamma

Bojim se
bojim se življenja
a tega nihče ne ve
kajti komur sem hotela zaupati se
se mi v glavo rolal je.

Komu naj to povem?
Da brez ljubezni kmalu umrem.
Morda mi kdo pomagal bo
a brez ljubezni to bo težko.

Regina, oh Regina
mi v glavo kriči
a po licu mi solza polzi.

V desni roki mi cigaret gori
iz njega se dim vali
v kozarcu vodke utapljam skrbi
morda mi uspe pozabiti.

Vzamem še apaurin
in ko v sanjah blodim
v roki pojavi želetka se mi
s katero si hočem življenje uničiti.

15. 2 Polarized, yet in balance. Two energies, positive and negative. Polarity

Zazrem se v pogled,
ki govori iz tvojih oči
in sprašujem se,
kaj mi to govori.

Spomin zanese me
v tiste dni,
ko sva srečna bila
jaz in ti.

Ko je že vsega konec bilo
si še zmeraj na jasnem
nisem bila
kako in zakaj.

Vračam se nazaj
in nazaj
vse je en velik
podrt raj.

Moje srce še vedno
po tebi hrepeni
a za evdno vem,
da k meni se ne
boš vrnil ti
a vse to tako boli.


16. 3 The addition of creative right brain energy, Results in what one does.

17. 4 The balance. The four energies, elements of the 3 dimensional universes: wind; water; earth and fire. Solidarity. Balance. Elements. Four planes of manifestation: physical; mental; emotional and spiritual.

23.11.1989, Kali

5 Elevation of creation. The 5th element, Ether. Is a helper to # 8 Work. The action energy.

Res je,
očarale so em tvoje modre oči
a kaj,
ko moje srce po drugem hrepeni.

morda se kdaj te hočem usmiliti,
morda s teboj preživim nekaj dni.

A kaj,
ko moje srce po drugem hrepeni
in ve,
da on mi noče ničesar izpolniti.

Pozabi me ti,
kajti padla sem v omamo modrih oči,
ker ima tudi on modre oči.

Title: 23.11.1989, Kali
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 02:46:17

19. 6 Imbalances. Many tests and things to evolve to, and work to develop. The physical world, the body. The tests are to develop, refine, learn balance and overcome.

Zakaj pravijo, da je ljubezen lepa,
če pa to ni,
zakaj vsi slavijo ljubezen,
a jaz sem sama s kozarcem v temi,
s pijanostjo skušam pozabiti
njega, najine skupne noči ljubezni.
Takrat bilo je še lepo
nikdar ne bo več tako.

Dragi moj, kje si ti
s kom preživljaš zdaj noči?
My dear, where are you now,
with whom are you spending your nights?


Title: Kali, 23.11.1989
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 02:51:23

20. 7 Energy to catalyze. Great power versus great temptation. A final test, and step, before the summit. Equilibrium, harmony. A force that can harmonize

21.  8 Complete energies of the material world. The top of the pyramid. A world of male authority. Energy of arts and Creativity. The highest Male energy.

Title: 24.11.1989 Alpha
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 02:52:48

(I like2love you) (22. = 9 A world of female strength, it has 9 levels within and represents the emotional, intuitive, the artist. Power of realization and the creative energies, highest vibration of the female energy.)

(lol, neki me hoče premgata, pa se ne dam!!!.... let go, lets go...:)

Ne želim si življenja
v življenju smisla ni
želim le njega,
da bil bi z mano
v objemu noči,
da pristopil bi k meni
mi stisnil roko,
da bi "Rat te imam"
mi zašepetal v uho.

Title: coincidences R traffic signs of d right brain
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 03:01:48

23. (25.11. 1989, Limi)

Res en vem kaj mi je,
morda počasi zaljubljam vate se
živim za to,
za upanje,
da bi me imel tudi ti rad
in da ne bi ponovno zvisela,
ker sem že mnogokrat.
Ne vem kaj mi je
a vedno bolj zaljubljam se.
Pridi k meni,
podaj mi roko,
nikar mi ne reci,
da to bilo je za slovo.
Raje me poljubi
primi me za roko
skupaj poiščiva
ljubezen najino.
"Rada et imam."

(odi et amo)

Title: 26.11. 1989, silio 6766, hi hi
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 03:15:25

24. 26.11. 1989, silio

10 Creativity - flowing. The law, the authority.

25. Iščem,
iščem sebe,
samo sebe,
a se ne anjdem.

vse načine življenja,
a mi nič ne ugaja
vsemu skušam ubežati.

V življenju ne najdem
srednje poti - prave poti.

Ne vem, kaj si želim,
ne vem, kako anj to dobim.

Vem, da
si želim.
?(donde esta espaniol ? mark?) Ali jo dobim?

11 Energy that has many tests and payments. More of a spiritual and mental order. It is the test to transmute to knowledge. Action of dividing, sorting Separating, putting in order, sharing.

26.=26.11. 1989, 12 Strong energy that ignites because 12 is a spiritual catalyst. The group, the family, the association.

13 The foundation and base of the pyramid. Realization and transmutation. The magic of being able to change and create, Governs all the other numbers.


I am so alone
I am always alone
and nobody
helps me.

I am sitting
and smoking
I am sitting
and crying.

Come to me
help me
ask me
and love me.

1 Great force and power. The first gear, (like compound) but it does not flow easily. Unity. The first Force is complete. Force of creation. (Hvala EVA>!!!mitaki!)

Title: 2 Polarized, yet in balance. Two energies, positiv
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 03:18:14

26.11.1989, silio

29. I wont forget
the day we met
Boy, I'm gonna miss you.

You're my boy
and I love you so
and I miss you much
because I love you
and I hope
you love me too.

Title: oNe&only love
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 03:34:47

3 The addition of creative right brain energy, Results in what one does.



Pogosto čujem klic skušnjave
klic skušnjave te dni
te dni in en vem
ne vem kajs toriti mi.

Se mu naj uprem
uprem in grem
grem naprej
naprej v novo življenje.

Globoko v meni živi
živi, notri je moj
pravi jaz - TO SEM JAZ
in zdaj sem le krinka.

Nihče ne ve kaj si želim,
ker tega tudi sama ne vem,
a vem, da bi rada našla globoko
globoko edino ljubezen.

Morda jo bom
nekega dne
če takrat
na svetu še bom.

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 03:43:52


4 The balance. The four energies, elements of the 3 dimensional universes: wind; water; earth and fire. Solidarity. Balance. Elements. Four planes of manifestation: physical; mental; emotional and spiritual. =31

27.11.1989 = 32 = Dali

5 Elevation of creation. The 5th element, Ether. Is a helper to # 8 Work. The action energy.

33. = 6 Imbalances. Many tests and things to evolve to, and work to develop. The physical world, the body. The tests are to develop, refine, learn balance and overcome.

34. = 7 Energy to catalyze. Great power versus great temptation. A final test, and step, before the summit. Equilibrium, harmony. A force that can harmonize.

Upam, da se bova srečala,
Upam, da bova skupaj,
Upam, da bova hodila,
Upam, d ame imaš rad,
Upam, da misliš anme,
Upam, d ame pogrešaš,
Upam, da me ljubiš,
Upam - nate.

Om Namah Shivaya! TNX BABAJI!

Title: I wrote them all 4 me!
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 03:52:10

35. 28.11. 1989. seli

8 Complete energies of the material world. The top of the pyramid. A world of male authority. Energy of arts and Creativity. The highest Male energy.

tema, ki ubija
noč, ki je moreča
v meni je nesreča.

zvezde na nebu,
ki žarijo
in ljudem svetijo.

ljubezen v meni,
ki zdaj ugaša
in nikdar se več ne oglaša.

Title: 40, seli, 18.12.1990
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 04:07:37

Gledam sneg
in vidim te
miljon tebe
želim si te
in slišim te
miljon ljubim tebe
hočem te
čutim te
miljon tvojih tebe
ljubim te.

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 04:22:06

28.1.1991, Dali, 49.

Nočeš biti kot drugi
zato si čudak
čudak si
ker si za druge čuden
a tebi se zdijo
čudaki vsi
ki mislijo
da si čuden Ti.


56. 28.2.1991, Kali
Sonce (the Sun)
Zemlja (the Earth)
in Ti. (and You)

57.  28.2.1991

Črna roža
na polju raste in cveti
raste na rdečem polju
poljus mrti.
Črna vrtnica
rasti za mene
in za vse dni
ki ostanejo še mi.

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 04:23:04


Title: it is now, or never
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 06:52:13


Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 07:10:45

[glb]I AM LOVE.....I AM LOVED.......I AM IN LOVE


Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 07:12:25

wrote on 16.03.2005 at 20:12:35:
[glb]right now, I (aj) just wonder! [/glb] :P

[glb]more latter, now is **** TIME!!![/glb]


you are beautiful!!!

am I? really? NOW!!!?

no way!

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 07:15:22


1. I Love You God
2. Thank You God for…
3. God, You are Inside Me
4. I Attract God’s Blessings
5. God, I See You Everywhere
6. God Bless and I Love….
7. God, Let Me Do Your Good Works[/glb] teh time.............


Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 11:11:05

so, batman???

seek or hide?

find or love?
am or be?



Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 14:21:52

it is all about aj!

Title: %Ra Pan = I
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 14:23:32

[glb]happy birhtday 2me[/glb]

[glb]AHA! I! [/glb]

Title: Re: %Ra Pan 6788*=)
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 14:27:17

"In a concave mirror I saw a star in the form of a snail....between the
navel of Pegasus, the girdle of Andromeda, and the head of Cassiopea".
:-X >:( :(


Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 14:28:48

Title: %Ra Pan 10.3.1999
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 14:33:11


čist sik, skratka...zdolga....z whatewer.... komsi komsa, aha!

Title: 4. scholski spis 24.5.1990
Post by petra pan on 21.03.2005 at 15:29:42


Kot vsako jutro, se je tudi tokrat sprehajala po vrtovih svoje shole. Opazovala je prebujenje jutra, sončni vzhod, petje ptic in vonjala dišave rož, ki so se prelivale po ozračju. Globoko je bila zatopljena v misli.

Kar naenkrat se je znašla na obali. Valovi so se zaletavali v pečine. Usedla se je na strohnelo deblo, ki ga je naplavilo morje. Vodila je zavod ,v katerem je mlada dekleta učila lepega vedenja za njihovo nadaljnje življenje. A kljub temu, da je bila njihova učiteljica, jim je dopuščala mnogo osebne svobode in pravico lastnega mišljenja. Skušala je pozabiti odhod učenke, na katero je bila močno čustveno navezana. Preveč je ljubila, preveč je bila strastna in vedno je morala pozabljati svo izgube svojih učenk. Bila je tako zamišljena, da ni opazila prihoda mladega moža, ki se je usedel zraven nje. Njegovo prisotnost je opazila šele, ko je zaslišala njegove besede:"Že dolgo vas opazujem in mislim, da ste enkratna ženska."
Pogledala ga je in se zdrznila ob njegovi lepoti. Ostala je brez besed. Gledala je njegov obraz, ki je izžareval privlačnost. Imel je lepe zelene oči,
obrobljene z dolgimi črnimi trepalnicami. Goste obrvi nad očarljivim malim nosom. In njegova usta, ki so bila tako čudovito lepa. Dolgi rjavi lasje speti v čop.  Izjemno jo je privlačil. Imel je prav lep, poženščen obraz. Še nikoli je ni privlačil noben moški. verjetno se je prav zato posvetila lezbični ljubezni. Ljubezen, ki je dobila ime po otoku Lesbosu, an akterem je živela ona. Tedaj se je zavedala, da mu mora enkaj odgovoriti.
"Hvala, a na sebi res ne bi vedela najti kaj enkratnega," mu je odvrnila.
A on s eni dal.;
"Vse na vas je enkratno. Vaša lepota, vaše požrtvovalno delo, vaše pesmi. Občudujem vas, ker ste nekaj posebnega."
Njegove besede so se ji zdele lepe.
Rekla mu ej:
"Pustimo zdaj mene. Povejte mi kaj o sebi, o vašem življenju in delu. Mar so tudi vaša dejanja tako lepa, kot so vaše besede?"
"Kakšen sem po dejanjih[/color], boste morda ugotovili tudi sami. Raje vam bom povedal kaj o sebi in o mojem delu. Ime mi je Sabino. Zares imam nenavadno ime, prav tako kot sem nenavaden sam. Vedno so mi govorili, da sem posebnež. Kipar sem.
V življenju sem vedno enkaj iskal, zato sem prišel na ta otok. Že dolgo časa vas opazujem in občudujem. Danes sem zbral pogum in pristopil k vam. "
Nastala je tišina. Sapfo ga je močno vzljubila. Verjetno prav zato, ker je imel tako poženščen obraz. Želela si je njegove ljubezni.
Sapfo in Sabino sta se odslej prebujala skupaj. Skupaj sta se sprehajala po vrtovih in morski obali.

Posvetila mu je nekaj pesmi. Na žalost so se vse izgubile.
On je za njo izklesal prelep kip z njeno podobo.
Oba sta bila strastna, oba sta ljubila in padala iz ene skrajnosti v drugo[color=Red], vse doklerse nista spoznala.
Še ljubita, še sta strastna in ostala sta skupaj. Nikoli ne bosta pozabljena. Živele bodo njene pesmi in njegovi kipi.

pd(4) m

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by Petra G. on 22.03.2005 at 22:15:08

Title: Re: %Ra Pan
Post by Petra G. on 22.03.2005 at 22:17:07

]"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare"[

Title: Re: PETRA!.)
Post by Petra G. on 22.03.2005 at 22:25:00

   The Meaning of the Maha-Mantra

"Hare Krsna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare"

   This is the Hare Krishna mantra, or maha-mantra, the great mantra for deliverance. Composed of three of the holy names of God from the Sanskrit scriptures of ancient India, it is transcendental sound vibration. It is not ordinary sound.

   The word mantra comes from man (mind) and tra (to free). A mantra is a sound or prayer that frees the mind from the miseries of the material world.

   The three holy names in the maha-mantra are Hare, Krishna, and Rama.

   Hare is pronounced “huh-ray”.
   Hare means the energy of God.
   The Sanskrit word for energy is shakti. Shakti has a personal, specifically feminine, dimension to its meaning. So here, energy means the feminine aspect of God. Our spiritual master, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, explained that the name Hare refers to Mother Hara, otherwise known as Radha or Radharani.

   Krishna is pronounced with a short “i”. The correct pronunciation is KRISH-na, (not KREESH-na.)
   Krishna means the All-Attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead.
   There are many attractive qualities to be found in the world, and many people have some degree of one or more of these qualities, but the one who has all of these qualities in full and unlimited measure can only be God. He is the source of all qualities, and in fact of all things in existence.
   He is a person, the original person, and the source of all incarnations and manifestations of Himself and of His creation, so He is called not just God but the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

   Rama is pronounced to rhyme with drama, RAH-muh.
   Rama means the reservoir of all pleasure.
   If we try to find pleasure independently we will only find brief snippets and it will be mixed with misery. But if we tap into the reservoir of all pleasure, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, by devotional service, we will be connected to the unlimited reservoir of all pleasure.

Title: Re: PETRA!.)
Post by Petra G. on 23.03.2005 at 10:46:10

March 23, 2005

Today's Positive Thought:

Love is in the air. Breathe it in.

Today's Positive Affirmation:

I AM experiencing fully and completely all
the love in my life.

Today's Positive Visualization:

In my mind's eye I see myself surrounded
by the light of unconditional love. I take a
deep breath and allow this light to fill every
cell of my being. In my mind's eye I see myself
becoming more and more accepting of the love
that surrounds me. I imagine myself going through
my day thinking loving thoughts about myself and
others. I see the positive responses from other
people that my loving thoughts attract. I combine
these images with the feelings of joy and let them
go, knowing that they will create the good things
I am visualizing and thinking.

Title: Re: PETRA!.)
Post by Petra G. on 24.03.2005 at 11:06:08

Title: Re: PETRA!.)
Post by Petra G. on 24.03.2005 at 11:23:31

whos gonna ride that wild wild horses?

(by U2, tnx Bono)

AH, who cares? Who knows? I am what I am, and that is all what matters!

it is all in gods hands, now!

and I go to my girlfriend, ....


Hvala, da si me učila ljubiti, živeti, biti.... ves svet je moj vrt!

igram se v ljubezni!

MITAKI Grand Ma!  see ya, soon!

Title: Re: PETRA!.)
Post by Petra G. on 18.05.2005 at 14:09:35

V bistvu ena čisto navadna punca,
več obljubljam, drugim, kot potem zmorem
obljub izpolniti....

In? Naj se javi prvi tisti, ki mi je podoben... V Bistvu...

Aja, točno, mojih topikov nihče ne bere... Še manj pa na njih odgovarja...

Je že tako kot mora biti, vsak prostor in situacija, right?

Srednja pot je super, včasih pa tudi eno tako povprečno dekle kot sem jaz sama, malo v krivine zavije...

Joj, kot da bi slučajno živeli nekje v neki galaksiji:

Mlečna cesta.... Ali je Rimska cesta...

mleko in Rim,

joj, le zakaj toliko besed za iste pomene, občutke... in razlago bistva?

Hvala, vsem, ki ste me opomnili, da v bistvu vedno vse sama sebi, torej Petri, razlagam...

Drugi pa me raje ne poslušat, ker sem čisto povprečno dekle... Tako to je....


govorila sem... Mitaki!

In še sedaj to govorim,

govorila sem Bog,
in se še pogovarjam z njim;

Hvala Bogu za Darwina, ki mi je povedal, da sem se razvila iz opice...

In hvala cerkvi, Bibliji, kjer sem prebrala, da je Bog ustvaril svet v sedmih dneh...


Title: Re: PETRA!.)
Post by Petra G. on 19.05.2005 at 10:48:16,%20Petra,%20Jordan.jpg

Title: Re: PETRA!.)
Post by Petra G. on 20.05.2005 at 13:14:38

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