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Posts: 1457

Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #180 - 21.07.2004 at 17:03:50
  Bankrot mama
  znas li kako ljubi
  znas li kako me guli
  nije vazno
  sto zaradim potrosim
  sto dobijem izgubim
  skroz sam bankrot
  ima dana kad sam sam
  ima dana kada lutam
  kad sam tuzan
  trazim je na stanici
  trazim je na ulici
  ne uspijevam
  noci su mi dosadne
  noci su mi narocito teske
  noci su upravo kao i njeno lice
  pune pozude

Azra  Smiley



  da li lazem kada kazem
  da je sreca u tri stvari
  u dobroj zeni gitari i bogatom tati
  koji uvijek nesto radi
  pa ako sanjas takvu srecu
  igraj rulet kocku karte
  ili prodaj sve osim blanje
  i kreni drugom stranom jablane
  tvoji su dani procerdani
  na vinjak tv i porno slike
  zenu nemas i tesko da ces je i steci
  pored takve stare majke
  ljubav je to za cime gines
  do ljubavi se tesko stize
  i zato prodaj sve osim blanje
  i kreni drugom stranom jablane
  volio bih da si nalik na one
  bradate i silne momke
  da cumez dizes na noge
  i da te nude cigaretom i alkoholom
  da nosis sljivu ispod lijevog oka
  i vices parole sto strasno zvuce
  i da si bitnik i pravi anarhist
  i zato kreni drugom stranom jablane

Azra  Smiley
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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #181 - 22.07.2004 at 01:59:08

Poslije nas, nemoj voljeti.
Poslije nas, neće biti ljubavi.
Samo bol, za tebe i mene.
Samo bol, i uspomene.

Poslije nas, skupi hrabrosti.
Poslije nas, neće biti mladosti.
Samo bol, za tebe i mene.
Samo bol, i uspomene.

Dugi su dani, k'o godine,
A ja moram sam, bez tebe.
Tuđe su žene sad kraj mene,
A ja bježim, od sudbine..

Hari Mata Hari
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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #182 - 22.07.2004 at 02:02:31

Da te s nekom drugom viđaju,
Potajno, potajno.
Pored nje izgledaš potpuno,
Zaljubljeno, zaljubljeno.

Da me više ne voliš,
Beskrajno, beskrajno.
Da me više ne voliš,
Navodno, navodno.

Za me srce si zatvorila,
Odavno, odavno.
Prve ljubavi mi davala,
Premalo, za me premalo.

Da me više ne voliš,
Beskrajno, beskrajno.
Da me više ne voliš,
Navodno, navodno.

Zar me više ne voliš ?
Navodno, navodno.

Ljubavi si uvijek imao,
Dovoljno, za me premalo.
Uz mene drugu nisi nikada,
Trebao, tražio.

Kad me više ne voliš,
Beskrajno, beskrajno.
Kad me više ne voliš,
Navodno, navodno...

Hari Mata Hari
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Po svoji podobi.
Posts: 339

Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #183 - 22.07.2004 at 07:04:21

"Run, Baby, Run"  ( Sheryl Crow )

She was born in November 1963
The day Aldous Huxley died
And her mama believed
That every man could be free
So her mama got high, high, high
And her daddy marched on Birmingham
Singing mighty protest songs
And he pictured all the places
That he knew that she belonged
But he failed and taught her young
The only thing she's need to carry on
He taught her how to

Run baby run baby run baby run
Baby run

Past the arms of the familiar
And their talk of better days
To the comfort of the strangers
Slipping out before they say
so long
Baby loves to run

She counts out all her money
In the taxi on the way to meet her plane
Stares hopeful out the window
At the workers fighting
Through the pouring rain
She's searching through the stations
For an unfamiliar song
And she's pictures all the places
Where she knows she still belongs
And she smiles the secret smile
Because she knows exactly how
To carry on

So run baby run baby run baby run
Baby run

From the old familiar faces and
Their old familiar ways
To the comfort of the strangers
Slipping out before they say
So long
Baby loves to run

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Po svoji podobi.
Posts: 339

Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #184 - 22.07.2004 at 07:18:49

Reamonn Strong

I See The Fear In The Things We Don't Understand I See The Fear In Another Blind Man
I Can't Hold Back This Fight That Stills Inside
I Can't Hold Back Who I Am

I Know You're Strong
I Know You Belong
I Know You Are Strong
My Beautiful One

I Know You're Strong
I Know You Belong
I Know You Are Strong
My Beautiful One

I Can't Turn Away From What I Believe
I Can't Destroy Or Deceive Oh No Oh No
I Know A Beauty In All That I Can See
I Can't Hold On But You Can't Release

I Know You're Strong
I Know You Belong
I Know You Are Strong
My Beautiful One

I Know You're Strong
I Know You Belong
I Know You Are Strong
My Beautiful One

Cause They Can't Hold You
And They Can't Hold Me
And They Can't Hold On
To What They Can't Believe

Cause They Can't Hold You
And They Can't Hold Me
And They Can't Hold On
To What They Can't Believe

I Know You're Strong
My Beautiful One
I Know You're Strong
I Know You Belong

I Know You're Strong
My Beautiful One
I Know You're Strong
I Know You Belong

I Know You're Strong
My Beautiful One

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Free your mind and the
rest will follow
Posts: 182

Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #185 - 22.07.2004 at 11:06:19

Artist Lyrics: Finley Quaye
Song Lyrics: Ride On And Turn The People On
Album Lyrics: Maverick A Strike

My bassman is a ghost
And my ghost is a news carrier
News carrier back me up man

I had some pain
I became
You're satellite
Got to get it all right

I know a man called Sylvester
Him have to wear a bullet proof vest y'all
No kinda way no kinda way at all

Music live
Children learn

I may be trigger happy
But I wished I had a pappy
To show me right from wrong
And good from evil

This is the future hey
I ain't gonna shoot you hey

And if you feel you got to move
I man can supply a groove
I man can soothe for real

Had a daddy had a pappa
Who ran away from my mother

Those who have eyes like mine
Let them shine
All time all star

I had some pain
I became you're sonic satellite
Got to get it all right
Just right

I know a man called Sylvester
Him have to wear a bullet proof vest y'all
No kinda way no kinda way through the day

Music live
??? learn

I may be trigger happy
But I wished I had a pappy
To show me right from wrong
And good from evil

This is the future hey
I ain't gonna shoot ya hey

And if you feel you got to scream
'Cause you're dealing with the cream
You're not wrong

Had a daddy had a pappa
Who ran away from my mother

Had a daddy had a pappa
Him inspire and entertain
Then my mother mash up in brain

So had a daddy had a pappa
Who ran away from my mother yeah

My friend he is a snapper
But enjoy dress up snapper
Dapper snapper dapper dapper snapper

Gunshot a capella
Shoot out a capella
Rocket interstellar
Take it interstellar
Shoot out a capella

Ride on and turn the people on

Never mind morgan
Thieved my mamma's tomato
Thieved her sweet potato
Reball the banana
Then they make it hyper
For us to live together
My generation
Got to stand up in love
The higher the more
The stronger the harder
Do you see it
Those who have eyes like a don

Ride on and turn the people on
Ride on and turn the people on ...
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A sem to jest napisu? Smiley
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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #186 - 22.07.2004 at 18:30:12
Kad zamirišu jorgovani.

Koliko sam puta umro a ti me oživjela
koliki sam pijanac bio a ti me otrijeznila
kakve su vatre gorjele a ti ih gasila
na kakvom sam bio dnu a ti si me spasila

poslije tebe je ostala duša gola k'o pustinja
poslije tebe mi ljubav dodje kao sirotinja
ima noči kada tugu točim mjesto vina
al' nema dana kol'ko je na srcu rana

     lako čes ti bez mene
     al' kako ču ja bez tebe
     kad dodju teški dani, kad odu svi jarani
     kad zamirišu jorgovani
     kad dodju teški dani, kad odu svi jarani
     kad zamirišu jorgovani

poslije tebe je ostala duša gola k'o pustinja
poslije tebe mi ljubav dodje kao sirotinja
ima noči kada tugu točim mjesto vina
al' nema dana kol'ko je na srcu rana

     lako čes ti bez mene
     al' kako ču ja bez tebe
     kad dodju teški dani, kad odu svi jarani
     kad zamirišu jorgovani
     kad dodju teški dani, kad odu svi jarani
     kad zamirišu jorgovani.

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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #187 - 22.07.2004 at 18:36:13

Samo jednom zora zarudi
samo jednom tijelo poludi
samo jednom i nikad više
prijaju kiše

samo jednom tišina svira
samo jednom srce bira
samo jednom i nikad više
suze ne brišeš

zaboravi, zaboravi da sam te ikad volio ludo
zaboravi, i nestani samo se jednom desi čudo
zaboravi, zaboravi da sam te ikad volio ludo
zaboravi, i nestani samo se jednom desi čudo

samo jednom cvatu ciklame
nisi ni jednu ubrala za me
samo si jednom rekla da
kad si odlazila

samo jednom tišina svira
samo jednom srce bira
samo jednom i nikad više
suze ne brišeš

zaboravi, zaboravi da sam te ikad volio ludo
zaboravi, i nestani samo se jednom desi čudo
zaboravi, zaboravi da sam te ikad volio ludo
zaboravi, i nestani samo se jednom desi čudo.

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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #188 - 22.07.2004 at 18:40:02
Plavi Jorgovani.

Procvali su, procvali na zelenoj grani
Na zelenoj grani
Kraj tvojega prozora plavi jorgovani
Plavi jorgovani

Jorgovani cvijetaju
Dušu nam opijaju
Mjesečinom obasjani
Plavi jorgovani

Blijedi mjesec bisere prosuo na travu
Na zelenu travu
Biserom pozlatio dugu kosu plavu
Tvoju kosu plavu

Ostavit ču rakiju, ostavit ču vino
Kunem ti se draga
Tvoja ruka malena nek' me vodi sada
Nek' me vodi sada.

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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #189 - 22.07.2004 at 18:50:41
Bosnom Behar Probeharao

Kelner vino nam toči
Da pijane oči
Ne gledaju više u nju
Od večeras nam srca
Zajedno nisu
Razdvojeno put putuju

Bosnom behar probeharao
Mene život razočarao
Svuda behar na nju miriše
A ja uzdišem

Malo car, malo sluga
Malo sreča, malo tuga
Al' ljubav ostaje
Ovo moje ludo srce
Nikad nije znalo
Da slaže i da sakrije

Bosnom behar probeharao
Mene život razočarao
Svuda behar na nju miriše
A ja uzdišem
Kelner vino nam toči
Da pijane usne
Istinu progovore
Zbog nje sam izdao Boga
I staru ljubav
I sve što sveto je

Bosnom behar probeharao
Mene život razoćarao
Bosnom behar na nju miriše
A ja uzdišem.

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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #190 - 23.07.2004 at 00:39:54
Bacila Je Sve Niz Rijeku

Stajala je usred bašte
ko najljepši cvijet
kao da je
dio mašte
i muzike te
Slušala je pjesmu moju
posljednju što pjevam njoj
sad joj kažem
zbogom draga
a bila je život moj

Prošla je kroz moje snove
i bila je tren
cijelim tijelom
bila moja
ja bio sam njen
Nosila je našu ljubav
našu sreču
prvi cvijet
bacila je sve niz rijeku i pošla u drugi svijet

Al' nočas ako sluša
nek čuje bol
u pjesmi koju pjevam njoj
samo njoj
neka nosi
na srcu znak
život je
jedan ona bacila.

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Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #191 - 24.07.2004 at 09:47:02

Pada još jedna
noć nad mojim
mahalom našom
sve tiše je
kome pod pendžer
da priđem kradom
kad tvoji kažu
nisam za tebe

misli sa tobom
a tebe nema
gore mi grudi
duša ne spava
da mi je samo
jošjedna želja
nek bude sretna
kad nemogu ja

bože prije
nego svane
daj nek nestanem
prije nego
sabah svane
ja nek' nestanem

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Po svoji podobi.
Posts: 339

Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #192 - 26.07.2004 at 06:53:04


Don't Leave Home

Like a ghost don't need a key
Your best friend I've come to be
Please don't think of getting up for me
You don't even need to speak
When I've been here for just one day
You'll already miss me if I go away
So close the blinds and shut the door
You won't need other friends anymore

Oh don't leave home, oh don't leave home

If you're cold I'll keep you warm
If you're low just hold on
Cause I will be your safety
Oh don't leave home

And I arrived when you were weak
I'll make you weaker, weaker still
Now all your love you give to me

When your heart is all I need

Oh don't leave home, oh don't leave home

If you're cold I'll keep you warm
If you're low just hold on
Cause I will be your safety
Oh don't leave home

Oh how quiet, quiet the world can be
When it's just you and little me
Everything is clear and everything is new
So you won't be leaving will you

Oh don't leave home, oh don't leave home

If you're cold I'll keep you warm
If you're low just hold on
Cause I will be your safety
Oh don't leave home

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Po svoji podobi.
Posts: 339

Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #193 - 26.07.2004 at 07:20:34

Nelly Furtado
Title: Try
Album: Folklore

All I know
Is everything is not as it's sold
but the more I grow the less I know
And I have lived so many lives
Though I'm not old
And the more I see, the less I grow
The fewer the seeds the more I sow

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try

I wish I hadn't seen all of the realness
And all the real people are really not real at all
The more I learn the more I cry
As I say goodbye to the way of life
I thought I had designed for me

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
I'm all I'll ever be
But all I can do is try

All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them last
All of the things we want each other to be
We never will be
And that's wonderful, and that's life
And that's you, baby
This is me, baby
And we are, we are, we are, we are
In our love
We are free in our love

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Posts: 1457

Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #194 - 27.07.2004 at 11:19:31

"Kill The Poor"

Efficiency and progress is ours once more
Now that we have the Neutron bomb
It's nice and quick and clean and gets things done
Away with excess enemy
But no less value to property
No sense in war but perfect sense at home:

The sun beams down on a brand new day
No more welfare tax to pay
Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light
Jobless millions whisked away
At last we have more room to play
All systems go to kill the poor tonight

Kill kill kill kill Kill the poor:Tonight

Behold the sparkle of champagne
The crime rate's gone
Feel free again
O' life's a dream with you, Miss Lily White
Jane Fonda on the screen today
Convinced the liberals it's okay
So let's get dressed and dance away the night

While they:
Kill kill kill kill Kill the poor:Tonight

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