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Posts: 1457

Gender: male
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #210 - 31.08.2004 at 15:38:23
Azra - Jablan

da li lazem kada kazem
da je sreca u tri stvari
u dobroj zeni gitari i bogatom tati
koji uvijek nesto radi
pa ako sanjas takvu srecu
igraj rulet kocku karte
ili prodaj sve osim blanje
i kreni drugom stranom
tvoji su dani procerdani
na vinjak tv i porno slike
zenu nemas i tesko da ces je i steci
pored takve stare majke
ljubav je to za cime gines
do ljubavi se tesko stize
i zato prodaj sve osim blanje
i kreni drugom stranom
volio bi da si nalik na one
bradate i silne momke
da cumez dizes na noge
i da te nude cigaretom i alkoholom
da nosis sljivu ispod lijevog oka
i vices parole sto strasno zvuce
i da si bitnik i pravi anarhist
i zato kreni drugom stranom
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5 krat na dan
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..to be more like me and
less like you...
Posts: 1554

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #211 - 09.09.2004 at 10:59:05
Who's gonna ride your wild horses - U2

You're dangerous 'cause you're honest
You're dangerous, you don't know what you want
Well you left my heart empty as a vacant lot
For any spirit to haunt

Hey hey sha la la
Hey hey

You're an accident waiting to happen
You're a piece of glass left there on the beach
Well you tell me things I know you're not supposed to
Then you leave me just out of reach

Hey hey sha la la
Hey hey sha la la

Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna drown in your blue sea
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna fall at the foot of thee

Well you stole it 'cause I needed the cash
And you killed it 'cause I wanted revenge
Well you lied to me 'cause I asked you to
Baby, can we still be friends

Hey hey sha la la
Hey hey sha la la

Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna drown in your blue sea
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna fall at the foot of thee

Oh, the deeper I spin
Oh, the hunter will sin for your ivory skin
Took a drive in the dirty rain
To a place where the wind calls your name
Under the trees the river laughing at you and me
Hallelujah, heavens white rose
The doors you open
I just can't close

Don't turn around, don't turn around again
Don't turn around, your gypsy heart
Don't turn around, don't turn around again
Don't turn around, and don't look back
Come on now love, don't you look back

Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna drown in your blue sea
Who's gonna taste your salt water kisses
Who's gonna take the place of me

Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna tame the heart of thee
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... Sometimes I feel that I should go and play with the thunder...
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..to be more like me and
less like you...
Posts: 1554

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #212 - 09.09.2004 at 19:31:39
Sunday morning - Velvet Underground

Sunday morning
Brings the dawn in
It's just a restless feeling by my side
Early dawning
Sunday morning
It's just the wasted years so close behind
Watch out the world's behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
It's nothing at all

Sunday morning
And I'm falling
I've got a feeling I don't want to know
Early dawning
Sunday morning
It's all the streets you crossed, not so long ago
Watch out the world's behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
It's nothing at all

Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
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... Sometimes I feel that I should go and play with the thunder...
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..to be more like me and
less like you...
Posts: 1554

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #213 - 10.09.2004 at 08:42:34
Faithless - God is a DJ

This is my church
This is where I heal my hurt
It's a natural grace
Of watching young life shape
It's in minor keys
Solutions and remedies
Enemies becoming friends
When bitterness ends
This is my church

This is my church
This is where I heal my hurt
It's in the world I become
Content in the hum
Between voice and drum
It's in change
The poetic justice of cause and effect
Respect, love, compassion
This is my church
This is where I heal my hurt
For tonight
God is a DJ

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... Sometimes I feel that I should go and play with the thunder...
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..to be more like me and
less like you...
Posts: 1554

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #214 - 11.09.2004 at 00:57:36
SIDDHARTA - Neon (shusuglao)

V temnih oblekah ljudje,
v dolgi koloni stoje,
najbolj poznani naprej
vse do konca, do onih, ki
ni jih videl doslej.

Bleda podoba nad tem,
vidi v duše ljudem,
sliši se tisto ime,
ki njej pomenilo je vse.

Nočem domov, z njimi grem,
nočem nazaj na to pot,
sliši se strel v srce,
sliši se strel v srce.

Kje se plazijo preplašeni,
kje nastane ples odmaknjenih,
kaj podira svet izobčencev,
kaj ostane, ko jih ni domov?

Slike so varovane
še po tem, ko gredo,
vsi prostori ostanejo
prav taki, kot so,
vsi prelepi vrtovi
se spreminjajo v zmes
bolečine in solz,
še grmi krik v glavi
samo ne on ne on...

nočem neba brez vseh zvezd,
nočem vrtov brez dreves,
slika edino ne ve,
slika edino ne ve.
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... Sometimes I feel that I should go and play with the thunder...
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Dih brez namena. Sapa
v bogu. Veter.
Posts: 691
Gender: female
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #215 - 26.09.2004 at 18:18:13
         Iztok Mlakar

Ne zamjirte guospa, res mi je žal,
en vas prosim, da mi oprostiste,
sn z eno vas drugo zamenjav vas.
Jemaste prou, nikdar vidla me niste,
nikdar v življenju me niste poznala.
Zna bet, da preveč sem spil kak kvartin,
človk se zmuoti, kej čmo so že ljeta pasala.
Ne zamerte guospa, danes je svjet Valentin.
Kaku bi se lohkor poznala nas dva,
en kako lohkor v kop kej bi mjela.
Vi ste od usih spoštovana gospa,
meni pej samo glaž klapu djela.
Veš no ni rjes, da kak bot se prplazi,
pod nuoč vam sosedouv, tamlajši v spomin,
tkuo potihu, en naskriuš, da noben ne opazi.
Ne zamerte guospa, danes je svjet Valentin.

Ni rjez, da pojstla trava je bla,
en škura pej veje drevejsa.
Ni rjez, da pod bkom, tam dol pr potoku,
sva buogu ukradla nebjesa
Ni rjes, da do jutra u kop sva ležala.
Ni rjes, da ta rama vam bla je kušin.
Ne ni rjes, le na njej tisto noč ste zaspala.
Ma ne zamerte guospa, danes je svjet Valentin.

Ne zamirte guospa,res mi je žal,
en vas prosim, da mi oprostiste,
sz eno vas drugo zamenjav vas,
jemaste prou, nikdar vidla me niste.
Pijan sem en bluodm, guospa prou ste rekla,
nikdar u kop nas ni spravu deštin.
En ni rjes, da če čez lice ena solza je tekla.
Ma sej nesem neč vidu gospa, vjeste,
danes je svjet Valentin.

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It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. &&Douglas Adams
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #216 - 01.10.2004 at 11:06:34
Gotta Get Thru This Lyrics

If only I could get through this
I get through this

I gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta make it, make it, make it through
I'm gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta take my, take my mind off you

Give me just a second and I'll be all right
Surely one more moment couldn't break my heart
Give me 'til tomorrow then I'll be okay
Just another day and then I'll hold you tight

When your love is falling like the rain
I close my eyes and it falls again
When will I get the chance to say I love you
I pretend that you're already mine
Then my heart ain't breaking every time
I look into your eyes

If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
God, gotta help me get through this

I gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta make it, make it, make it through
Said I'm gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta take my, take my mind off you

Give me just a second and I'll be all right
Surely one more moment couldn't break my heart
Give me 'til tomorrow then I'll be okay
Just another day and then I'll hold you tight

When your love is falling like the rain
I close my eyes and it falls again
When will I get the chance to say I love you
I pretend that you're already mine
Then my heart ain't breaking every time
I look into your eyes

If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
God, gotta help me get through this
If only I could get through this
God, gotta help me get through this
If only I could get through this
God, gotta help me get through this
If only I could get through this...
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 2679
Gender: female
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #217 - 01.10.2004 at 13:06:24

Petra. wrote on 01.10.2004 at 11:06:34:
Gotta Get Thru This Lyrics

If only I could get through this
I get through this

I gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta make it, make it, make it through
I'm gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta take my, take my mind off you

Give me just a second and I'll be all right
Surely one more moment couldn't break my heart
Give me 'til tomorrow then I'll be okay
Just another day and then I'll hold you tight

When your love is falling like the rain
I close my eyes and it falls again
When will I get the chance to say I love you
I pretend that you're already mine
Then my heart ain't breaking every time
I look into your eyes

If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
God, gotta help me get through this

I gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta make it, make it, make it through
Said I'm gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta take my, take my mind off you

Give me just a second and I'll be all right
Surely one more moment couldn't break my heart
Give me 'til tomorrow then I'll be okay
Just another day and then I'll hold you tight

When your love is falling like the rain
I close my eyes and it falls again
When will I get the chance to say I love you
I pretend that you're already mine
Then my heart ain't breaking every time
I look into your eyes

If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
If only I could get through this
God, gotta help me get through this
If only I could get through this
God, gotta help me get through this
If only I could get through this
God, gotta help me get through this
If only I could get through this...

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #218 - 01.10.2004 at 13:19:31
Don't Give Up
Chicane feat. Bryan Adams

don't worry if the sun don't shine
you've seen it before you don't have to worry
everyday's an uphill climb - nothing has changed
believe me when i tell ya

don't give it up - don't give it up...

don't give up - ya know it's true
gotta do what you wanna do
don't give up - you don't have to
gotta do what you wanna do
don't give up - ya know it's true
gotta do what you wanna do

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #219 - 01.10.2004 at 17:08:24
Eva wrote on 01.10.2004 at 13:06:24:

prideš do mene ga poslušat? Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ex Member

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #220 - 01.10.2004 at 18:35:20


In cold and dark December
As I walk into the rain
Sit beside the room
All night long

In a grey December morning
I decide to leave my home
Took a train to nowhere
Far away far away

Many thousand miles away
Where the moon took to the stars
Dreamed about the days
Days gone by days gone by

In the night the seawinds are calling
And the city is far far away
Soon the sea turns to darkness
It is night and seawinds are calling
Seawinds call seawinds call

Ten thousands miles away
Where the moon took to the stars
I dreamed about the days
Days gone by

I've been told so many stories
And dreams my friends have made
So it's no illusions
Sail away sail away

In the night the seawinds are calling
And the city is far far away
Soon the sea turns to darkness
It is night and seawinds are calling

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Ex Member

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #221 - 02.10.2004 at 21:38:18
Nightwish - Ocean Soul

One more night
To bear this nightmare
What more do I have to say

Crying for me was never worth a tear
My lonely soul is only filled with fear

Long hours of loneliness
Between me and the sea

Losing emotion
Finding devotion
Should I dress in white and search the sea
As I always wished to be - one with the waves
Ocean Soul

Walking the tideline
I hear your name
Is angels wispering
Something so beautiful it hurts

I only wished to become something beautiful
Through my music, through my silent devotion

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There is no evil... only
Posts: 48

Gender: female
Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #222 - 06.10.2004 at 19:31:49
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Nightwishi so...

super!!!!! Cheesy

Dodajam pa še besedilo banda Ghost of the Robot iz Californie


We are bitter opposites,
it stings when you hit me
like a kick to the head
when I heard what you said.

Did you even consider
you are making us bitter?
I guess you're justified
because of your weak mind...

When our lips first met
you didn't get the hang of it.
I bet that you still kiss like me,
you realize it when you hear this.

You have managed to stear clear
for yet another whole year,
although I did see you,
I only caught lies you threw.

When you were there with the band,
acceptance letter not in hand,
hugging your "cool" boyfriend,
did you ever tell him?

When our lips first met
you didn't get the hang of it.
I bet that you still kiss like me,
you realize it when you hear this.

Realize it when you kiss...

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #223 - 07.10.2004 at 15:51:49
by Chicane

Oscail mo shúile
Něos mň
Čist č sin
Ar an tsáile snámha
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Open my eyes
Saltwater rain
Oscail mo shúil
In that way
Čist tů
In that way
Čist tů
In that way
Missing part
In that way
Čist tů
Oscail mo shůil
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol lol the doh fol the day
Open my eyes
Saltwater rain
Oscail mo shůil
No more inside
Saltwater rain
Oscail mo shůil

English translation

Open my eyes
Listen to us
Swimming in Saltwater
Open my eyes
Saltwater rain
Open my eyes
In that way
You listen
In that way
You listen
In that way
Missing part
In that way
You listen
Open my eyes
No more inside
Saltwater rain
Open my eyes

SALTWATER ("THEME FROM HARRY'S GAME", the original Clannad version)

Imtheochaidh soir is siar
A dtainig ariamh
An ghealach is an ghrian

Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the day fol the day

Imtheochaidh an ghealach's an ghrian
An Daoine og is a chail 'na dhiadh

Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the day fol the day

Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the day fol the day

Imtheochaidh a dtainig ariamh
an duine og is a chail ne dhiadh

Fol lol the doh fol the day
Fol the day fol the day

Vocals by Maire Brennan. This is the lyrics for the original Clannad song, and not for Chicane's "Saltwater". But most of it should be the same.
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..to be more like me and
less like you...
Posts: 1554

Re: Glasbeni teksti
Reply #224 - 08.10.2004 at 10:03:37
Iznad planeta (princeza) - Sladjana Milosevic i Dado Topic

Ti zivis gde zvezde tkaju sag od srebra
I nevinoscu sja tvoje lice, dok nedostizan kao sena
Nastavljas svoj let
Negde je sakriven tvoj svet (moj svet si ti)
Vecnom ljubavlju dodirni me i ostani uz mene..

Jer ti si princeza s nekog drugog sveta
Tvoja rec stvara cuda, budi iskrena uputi mi
Osmeh tek da znam postojis li
Il' sam sam, negde iznad planeta.

Jos ne znam dal' si zvezda ili zena
I samo jedan tren da postojis ko ruzicasta morska pena
Na zalu stojim sam
Galebova stope brise val (ali samo)
Vecnom ljubavlju dodirni me i ostani uz mene...

Jer ti si princeza s nekog drugog sveta
Tvoja rec stvara cuda, budi iskrena uputi mi
Osmeh tek da znam postojis li
Il' sam sam, negde iznad planeta.
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... Sometimes I feel that I should go and play with the thunder...
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