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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #75 - 25.03.2009 at 14:12:05
A Message From Mayan Elder Don Alejandro
By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Mar 24, 2009 - 12:01:04 PM

The National Counsel of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala are here in fulfillment of the Prophecies of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ajau. We have several prophecies concerning the time we are living in, and it is in fulfillment of the Prophecies that we are here today.  I will mention some of them:

"At the time of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the time of the return of our Ancestors and the return of the men of wisdom." That time is now.

The Prophecy says:  "Those of the Center, with their mystical bird Quetzal, make unite the Eagle of the North with the Condor of the South; we will meet because we are one, like the fingers of the hand."  This prophecy means that the Indigenous People of the North and the Indigenous People of the South, through those of the Center, will come together to strengthen the recovery of the ancestral science; recovery of our identity, art, spirituality and Cosmo-vision on life and death that the different Cultures have.

We the Indigenous People join together in defense of the life of the human species, in defense of the life of our brother animals and the trees and in defense of the life of Mother Earth, because the life of the Planet Earth is in danger.  We all know that what is happening in the world now is not a coincidence.

As examples:  The hurricanes and the heavy storms that are menacing different places in the world; the high temperatures that day by day rise to higher degree, while in other parts of the world the cold becomes more intense; rivers are drying out and others are disappearing; the glaciers are melting; many places in the world are suffering the effects of natural disasters; and all of these are the result of our imbalance with Nature.

It is necessary that the behavior of human beings all over the world has to change; the life of the Planet Earth is responsibility of all and that is why the invitation from the Indigenous people is for everyone, to help save human life, save the planet thus inheriting a healthy future to the new generations.

According to the Maya Long Count Calendar, we are finalizing the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau, thus approaching the YEAR CERO.  We are at the doorsteps of the ending of another period of the Sun, a period that lasts 5,200 years and ends with several hours of darkness.  After this period of darkness there comes a new period of the Sun; it will be the 6th one.  In each period of the Sun there is an adjustment for the planet and it brings changes in the weather conditions and in social and political life as well.

The world is transformed and we enter a period of understanding and harmonious coexistence where there is social justice and equality for all.  It is a new way of life.

With a new social order there comes a time of freedom where we can move like the clouds, without limitations, without borders. We will travel like the birds, without the need for passports. We will travel like the rivers, all heading towards the same point -- the same objective.  The Mayan prophecies are announcing a time of change.  The Pop Wuj, the book of the Counsel, tells us, "It is time for dawn; let the dawn come, for the task to be finished."

Each one of us has a relationship with the Universe and that reflects whether our attitudes with others are harmonious or not.  The time for change has arrived. The time for understanding each other and to be more human is here.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Mayi
Reply #76 - 25.03.2009 at 14:55:54
Petra odlično-to jaz govorim!

13-aj kačenosec 13 jezus vodja apostolskega zbora-2 tradiiciji

Sokol severa in kondor juga združena v nebeški ptici nas in naših prednikov v S.M.O. samodejnem magnetnem oscilatorju,ki bo omogočal medsončna potovanja-Zlata doba
Spoznanje pobratenje zemeljskega življenja in mi zopet prostovoljni varuhi vesoljnega življenja z spoznano vesoljno vizijo življenja.

Potpis. Galaktična Sončna dinastija postane zopet naš dom. In mi spoznamo vesoljno vizijo našega bivanja.
Niti pisati ne morem. tako sem vesel tega sporočila.

CoolLp Alojz Cool
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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El Pesnik

Cosmic Balance
Posts: 1310
Gender: male
Re: Mayi
Reply #77 - 25.03.2009 at 15:05:42
Svoboden kot Sokol ter skrivnosten kot Kondor
se Svet dviguje iz tisočletnega sna.

Vstala je Narava, in se giblje živa,
Človek je kakor Sokol,
Kondor je kakor Človek ...
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No Water, no Moon
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Mayi
Reply #78 - 25.03.2009 at 15:21:13
Sedaj bom samo dodal,da boste mogoče spoznali kako je teološka zapuščina šifrirana-

Vsak magnet ima v sebi ptico severa (pol) in ptici juga (pol)ko ju združiš in utiriš po točno določenem načrtu dobiš samodejavno samoletečo ptico,ki združuje v svoji sredini  obe ptici v eno vesoljno ptico-prednikov. To je našega širšega galaktičnega občestva,ker ta ptica omogoča vrnitev prednikov in našo vrnitev k njim. Sirius-Orion naše satelitsko osončje poveže ta ptica-aj-13-kačenosec-simbol združitve.
Kačenosec-je v bistvu Jezus kot vodja apostolskega zbora 12'on=13

Toliko samo,da bi začeli v pravo smer teološko izročilo brati in s tem ne bi več nasedali raznim vesrskim dogmam in cerkvam.

Lp Alojz Cool Cool
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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Global Moderator

All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #79 - 25.03.2009 at 15:23:42
Cool Cool Cool
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1729

Re: Mayi
Reply #80 - 25.03.2009 at 22:10:34
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 25.03.2009 at 15:21:13:
Sedaj bom samo dodal,da boste mogoče spoznali kako je teološka zapuščina šifrirana-

Vsak magnet ima v sebi ptico severa (pol) in ptici juga (pol)ko ju združiš in utiriš po točno določenem načrtu dobiš samodejavno samoletečo ptico,ki združuje v svoji sredini  obe ptici v eno vesoljno ptico-prednikov. To je našega širšega galaktičnega občestva,ker ta ptica omogoča vrnitev prednikov in našo vrnitev k njim. Sirius-Orion naše satelitsko osončje poveže ta ptica-aj-13-kačenosec-simbol združitve.
Kačenosec-je v bistvu Jezus kot vodja apostolskega zbora 12'on=13

Toliko samo,da bi začeli v pravo smer teološko izročilo brati in s tem ne bi več nasedali raznim vesrskim dogmam in cerkvam.

Lp Alojz Cool Cool

Ni teološke zapuščine in tudi ni šifriranih sporočil, samo obstaja neskončen DUH. Kdor poseduje tega Duha ima tudi neskončnost.

Pa lep pozdrav.
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Vrnimo Življenju življenje.

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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Mayi
Reply #81 - 26.03.2009 at 10:42:02
M.L. wrote on 25.03.2009 at 22:10:34:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 25.03.2009 at 15:21:13:
Sedaj bom samo dodal,da boste mogoče spoznali kako je teološka zapuščina šifrirana-

Vsak magnet ima v sebi ptico severa (pol) in ptici juga (pol)ko ju združiš in utiriš po točno določenem načrtu dobiš samodejavno samoletečo ptico,ki združuje v svoji sredini  obe ptici v eno vesoljno ptico-prednikov. To je našega širšega galaktičnega občestva,ker ta ptica omogoča vrnitev prednikov in našo vrnitev k njim. Sirius-Orion naše satelitsko osončje poveže ta ptica-aj-13-kačenosec-simbol združitve.
Kačenosec-je v bistvu Jezus kot vodja apostolskega zbora 12'on=13

Toliko samo,da bi začeli v pravo smer teološko izročilo brati in s tem ne bi več nasedali raznim vesrskim dogmam in cerkvam.

Lp Alojz Cool Cool

Ni teološke zapuščine in tudi ni šifriranih sporočil, samo obstaja neskončen DUH. Kdor poseduje tega Duha ima tudi neskončnost.

Pa lep pozdrav.

Ti si običen peder M.L. In to tak zarukan vase zagledan faruški kretenčič. Ti si zabit kot vaška štirna. Duha ima tudi kamen in ti si v svojem duhu,ki je hrati vsevesoljni trd ko kamen.

Lp Alojz Cool Cool
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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Ex Member

Re: Mayi
Reply #82 - 26.03.2009 at 11:10:09
M.L. wrote on 25.03.2009 at 22:10:34:
Ni teološke zapuščine in tudi ni šifriranih sporočil, samo obstaja neskončen DUH. Kdor poseduje tega Duha ima tudi neskončnost.

Pa lep pozdrav.

Ti neskončno zatohl DUH si, kamorkol prideš vse zasmrdi.
Edino zdravilo zate burja je, da razpiha te.

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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Mayi
Reply #83 - 26.03.2009 at 11:17:36
M.L. wrote on 25.03.2009 at 22:10:34:
Ni teološke zapuščine in tudi ni šifriranih sporočil, samo obstaja neskončen DUH. Kdor poseduje tega Duha ima tudi neskončnost.

Pa lep pozdrav.

Ti neskončno zatohl DUH si, kamorkol prideš vse zasmrdi.
Edino zdravilo zate burja je, da razpiha te.



Edino zdravilo za M.L. je VC.Tam lahko voha svojga svetega duha.Mogoče mu pa njegov 'sveti duh' kaj sporoči o njemu samemu.
Takšni pacienti non stop serjejo po sebi,samo so tolk zaverovani vase,da niti tega ne opzijo kako zasrani  tlačjo Zemljo.

Lp Alojz Cool
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Mayi
Reply #84 - 27.03.2009 at 11:24:34
Vernikom,ki to niso v resnici niso . So zgolj movzne ovce.

Vse razumem,ampak,da je človek toliko nesamostojen,neizviren in zaslepljen,da ne more kot vernik spregledat kako ga farba njegova cerkev.vera, to mi pa ni jasno.
Cerkev verniku nikoli ne bo dala pravega razumevanja,ker bi s tem ko bi mu ga dala izgubila svoj obstoj in s tem ovčke,ki jih molze in jim laže.

Satis daj tistim svojim duhovnim mojstrom eno brco v rit in jih pošlji nazaj v Indijo lagat. Pa še kdo drug lahko naredi isto.

Lp Alojz Cool
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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El Pesnik

Cosmic Balance
Posts: 1310
Gender: male
Re: Mayi
Reply #85 - 27.03.2009 at 14:16:33
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 27.03.2009 at 11:24:34:
Vernikom,ki to niso v resnici niso . So zgolj movzne ovce.  

Movzne ovce so, to pa to. Pomovzti jih je treba, te movzne ovce. Ki so edino za movzt, nič drugega. Movzna drhal presneta, vse pomovzt!

Alojz in Sandib wrote on 27.03.2009 at 11:24:34:

Satis daj tistim svojim duhovnim mojstrom eno brco v rit in jih pošlji nazaj v Indijo lagat. Pa še kdo drug lahko naredi isto.

To pa to. Brco v rit vsakemu, ki namerno laže.   Wink
Kdor pa nenamerno laže, naj se pa vpraša zakaj to počne. Pač.  Lips Sealed
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No Water, no Moon
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Mayi
Reply #86 - 27.03.2009 at 16:04:34

Je ovčka Poet kje sebi za vzgled
Je ovce nadiru,kje sabe zagledu
Se je zagledu in od straha podelu
Ker se je ustrašu da nebi sprgledu
Si je veselo na skretu lagal,da se je spoznal.

Ga je Alojz spregledu mu je glavo zmasiru.
Ga je pred vsemi bedaka naredu.

Juhej Poet se je polulu,ko je mislu da je Alojza razkuru.
Se je Alojz Kozmično pesnitev nauču še prej kje Poet v plenice lulu.

Lp Alojz Cool

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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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Posts: 1511

Gender: male
Re: Mayi
Reply #87 - 05.04.2009 at 14:04:54
Petra G. in ostali da se tukaj prilepim slikco z ogromnim pomenom za danasnje se nejasne dni... To je kljuc, ki odpre kar vsi iscemo!

Lep pozdrav; Etrex Cool
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Stvarstvo ne odloča, odloča človek z svobodno voljo.
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Global Moderator

All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #88 - 20.04.2009 at 17:24:00
bom kar tu objavila, čeprva prihaja ta prerokba od aztekov:

Ancient Aztec Calendar Begins a New World of Hope
By Dr Jose Jaramillo

Apr 20, 2009 - 5:44:12 AM

The Aztecs left to us the prophecy of 13 heavens and 9 hells. Not a lot of people know what this prophecy is all about. It is important before we go further in the explanation of this ancient prophecy of divine time, so we need to go back to the past and understand where this future telling was coming from. Why do we think it was left to us exactly for this time at the end of the cycle?

This prophecy will last only 1144 years from 843 AD to the exact moment in time of August 16, 1987 (ESPERU : This was the Harmonic Convergence of 1987) then a new cycle of divine time will be open, another prophetic round will begin, another prophetic round of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells will be open for all of us to redeem ourselves from the old time but this time each cycle of heaven and hell will last only 360 days. Be ready and learn from the cycles of time because everyone will be tested only if you know about the cycles of divine
time you will be saved.

Here is the chart of each cycle of Heaven of modern time:

Heaven # 1: Started: August 16, 1987 Ended: August 9, 1988 9 Sun
Heaven # 2: Started: August 10, 1988 Ended: August 4,1989 5 Sun
Heaven # 3: Started: August 5, 1989 Ended: July 30, 1990 1 Sun
Heaven # 4: Started: July 31, 1990 Ended: July 25, 1991 10 Sun
Heaven # 5: Started: July 26, 1991 Ended: July 19, 1992 6 Sun
Heaven # 6: Started July 20, 1992 Ended: July 14, 1993 2 Sun
Heaven # 7: Started July 15, 1993 Ended: July 9, 1994 11 Sun
Heaven # 8: Started July 10, 1994 Ended: July 4, 1995 7 Sun
Heaven # 9: Started July 5, 1995 Ended: June 28, 1996 3 Sun
Heaven #10: Started June 29, 1996 Ended: June 23, 1997 12 Sun
Heaven #11: Started June 24, 1997 Ended: June 18, 1998 8 Sun
Heaven #12: Started June 19, 1998 Ended: June 13, 1999 4 Sun
Heaven #13: Started June 14, 1999 Ended: June 7, 2000 13 Sun

Here is the chart of each cycle of Hell:

Hell # 1: Started June 8, 2000 Ended: June 2, 2001 9 Sun
Hell # 2: Started June 3, 2001 Ended: May 28, 2002 5 Sun
Hell # 3: Started May 29, 2002 Ended: May 23, 2003 1 Sun
Hell # 4: Started May 24, 2003 Ended: May 17, 2004 10 Sun
Hell # 5: Started May 18, 2004 Ended: May 12, 2005 6 Sun
Hell # 6: Started May 13, 2005 Ended: May 7, 2006 2 Sun
Hell # 7: Started May 8, 2006 Ended: May 2, 2007 11Sun
Hell # 8: Started May 3, 2007 Ended: April 26, 2008 7 Sun
Hell # 9: Started April 27, 2008 Ends: April 21, 2009 3 Sun

So by April 21, 2009 will be the end of the 9 hells in this last prophetic round and a new prophetic round of hope will be open for the whole of humanity to start understanding the secrets behind each ancient story in how everything works in our beautiful Galaxy within our Solar system and our Mother Earth.

Here is the chart of 40 days and 40 nights:

First 20 days: Will start: April 22, 2009 Will End: May 11, 2009 10 Sun
Second 20 days: Will start May 12, 2009 Will End: May 31, 2009 4 Sun
First 20 nights: Will start June 1, 2009 Will End: June 20, 2009 11 Sun
Second 20 nights: Will start June 21, 2009 Will End: July 10, 2009 5 Sun

July 10, 2009 1,260 Days Until The Mayan Calendar Re-Sets on February 21, 2013

On the exact day of July 10, 2009 “5 AJAW” which means “5 Sun” it will start a period of redemption for 1,260 days until we reach the precise moment on December 21, 2012 which will be “4 AJAW” which means “4 Sun kin 160” in the sacred count of days. And after 1,260 days we all need to walk this Earth for another 60 days to complete the 1,320 days after the end of the Mayan Calendar on February 21, 2013, then it will be the return of the King. We need to remember that the natural frequency of the Mayan calendar is made of 13 numbers or tones and 20-day signs or nahuales, which is known as the 13:20.

So that is why is so important to have a ceremony this coming April 21st because it will be the end of the second harmonic convergence prophecy and a time of preparation for another 80 days of 40 days and 40 nights before we all walk together for the last 1,320 days before the end of the Mayan Cycle in February 21st 2013, which will be the day 1 Wind of the Year 1 Wind, which the Mayan Elders called ‘Year Zero.’
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Mayi
Reply #89 - 23.04.2009 at 21:36:06

Sam azteško 'teološko' zapuščino smatram za popolnejšo od majevske.Sigurno sem edini Zemljan,ki pozna azteško sfingo,ki je sporočilno  popolnoma enakovredna egipčanski.

Lp Alojz Cool
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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