One of the most important secrets of relationship is recognising that making every communication about ourself, rather than about both our partner and ourself, will destroy a relationship. Our relationship is not here just for ourself; it is here for both our partner and ourself. There is a problem that rocks and swamps typically get into around communication. Swamps are natural communicators. They tend to personalise things so they speak about themselves and their own feelings. Rocks are out of touch with their feelings. They tend to dissociate themselves and to be stoic, so they are not very good with feelings. A rock will share their personal feelings about three major times in a relationship and typically only a total of seven times before giving up. On these rare occasions, they open up their heart and talk about what they are experiencing, what their personal feelings are. Sometimes at that point, a swamp will indulge themselves and turn that personal sharing into an attack on themselves, which is just a way of stealing centre stage, again. If the swamp takes the communication and uses it to bring the story line back to themselves, they have lost a major opportunity. It is important for swamps to recognise those rare times when a rock will take a risk and let down the drawbridge to show their deep, inner feelings. If the swamp succeeds in listening and supporting the rock's communication, the rock will take other risks.
Today is a day for supporting and opening communication with your partner. If you are a rock, take a risk to share what is really going on for you. As you do, support your swamp by letting them know that your communication is not intended to make them feel wrong. If you are a swamp, go out to support your rock so that they feel safe enough to lower the drawbridge. Be aware though that, sometimes, swamps encourage their partners to share, but when they really share, the swamp runs. Be sure that when you are asking for your partner to share, you are not also pushing them away because you are afraid of what they might say. Swamps, do not let what your partner shares be just one more excuse to prove that you are unlovable. Rocks are just saying what they are feeling, and they need to get that out before they can move on; all they need is a little support and compassion. This is the time to borrow the rock's natural inclination and ability to abstract, to impersonalise what your partner is saying. Editor's Note: "Rock" and "swamp" are terms used by Dr. Spezzano to describe two completely different styles of communication in relationship. Refer to Lesson 276.