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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #120 - 20.04.2004 at 21:29:35
yellowstone? Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #121 - 21.04.2004 at 08:13:14
Petra. wrote on 20.04.2004 at 21:29:35:
yellowstone? Wink

yellowstone  ???
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #122 - 21.04.2004 at 10:20:12
.... Wink

sicer zelo moteno trese, s presledkih, tko da če je bil kje zdaj potres, bo še, v kratkem..... Lips Sealed  Shocked
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #123 - 21.04.2004 at 18:54:26
park sm pozabla napisat zraven lol

kle poglej kaj tam dogaja:

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #124 - 21.04.2004 at 19:00:20
ampak, a je to blo zdej? ???

upam, da ne, ker pol bo še..... Embarrassed

včer je blo še ful čutit, ampak v presledkih, kot da bi nekaj vrel......
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Global Moderator

All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #125 - 21.04.2004 at 19:10:26
drgač pa itak soncu ful dogaja skos

Sunspot Count Jumps to 108; M-Class Flares to Follow…04/20/04

by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

Today’s sunspot count has doubled since yesterday. Sunspot region 596 has expanded and is most likely to produce M-Class flares. If it does so at its current trajectory, it will be Earth directed within 72 hours. Lets see if more blackouts occur within the next 5 days.

Tonight I will have Michael Brown on the show. He is the person who discovered new planet “Sedna”. I will be asking many questions, one of which will be “Do passing comets which skirt the Sun, cause increased solar activity”. Of course this related to Comet Bradfield.       Tune-in tonight at 9 PM (Pacific)


Yellowstone Super-Volcano Eruptions Continue to Rise

yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss   deg.   deg.    km    Ml
04/04/15 00:04:21  44.75N 110.95W   4.7  0.5  8.7 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/15 00:25:58  44.75N 110.94W   5.3  0.1  8.3 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/15 00:29:42  44.76N 110.94W   6.9 -0.4  8.7 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/15 00:40:46  44.75N 110.94W   3.8 -0.1  8.3 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/15 01:48:27  44.75N 110.94W   6.8  0.9  8.5 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/15 02:29:58  44.75N 110.93W   2.1 -0.4  7.8 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/15 02:53:14  44.75N 110.94W   5.1  0.2  8.2 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/17 02:32:42  44.75N 110.94W   5.7 -0.1  8.4 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/17 03:43:12  44.75N 110.94W   5.8 -0.1  8.3 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/17 05:10:57  44.75N 110.94W   6.8  0.3  8.6 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/17 07:05:39  44.68N 111.02W   0.9  1.4  4.6 mi ENE of W. Yellowstone
04/04/17 07:22:56  44.75N 110.95W   7.5  2.7  8.8 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/17 08:00:57  44.75N 110.94W   5.4 -0.4  8.6 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/17 09:31:25  44.75N 110.95W   7.4  2.2  8.8 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/17 11:51:55  44.80N 110.80W   3.5  0.9  6.9 mi WNW of Norris Junc.
04/04/18 01:36:47  44.75N 110.94W   6.0 -0.8  8.1 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 01:37:00  44.75N 110.94W   7.1 -0.2  8.2 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 01:44:15  44.75N 110.94W   4.3 -0.0  8.2 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 02:09:59  44.75N 110.95W   7.8 -0.7  8.7 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 02:56:12  44.75N 110.95W   6.3  0.2  8.4 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 05:50:34  44.75N 110.94W   5.5  0.1  8.6 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 06:28:15  44.75N 110.94W   7.4  1.2  8.2 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 09:00:48  44.76N 111.10W  10.6  0.7  6.6 mi N   of W. Yellowstone
04/04/18 09:14:10  44.75N 110.94W   6.0  0.7  8.4 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 09:34:15  44.75N 110.95W   5.7  0.5  8.6 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 11:18:56  44.75N 110.95W   6.0 -0.1  8.4 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 16:52:49  44.75N 110.95W   6.8  1.1  8.4 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 17:59:44  44.76N 110.94W   6.3 -0.1  8.7 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/18 19:42:00  44.76N 110.95W   7.7  0.0  9.0 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/19 00:52:25  44.75N 110.94W   6.3 -0.2  8.5 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/19 17:43:51  44.75N 110.94W   6.8  0.6  8.4 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/19 17:47:38  44.75N 110.95W   6.5  1.6  8.4 mi NW  of Madison Junc.
04/04/19 17:57:04  44.75N 110.94W   6.2  0.1  8.5 mi NW  of Madison Junc.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #126 - 22.04.2004 at 11:03:18
zdele glih je čutit, da bo neki zavrel....bruhnlo.... Undecided

čuti pa se tko, kot da v zaprti posodi neki vrel in prestavlja pokrov, dokler ga ne bo vrglo dol....... Lips Sealed

baje so tam v tem zaščitenem parku indijanci v rezervatu......še baje edini in ful živali ...... Embarrassedboge živali in indijanci.........
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #127 - 28.04.2004 at 14:41:02
.....sunki.... Undecided
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #128 - 03.05.2004 at 12:37:54
danes sanjala, da smo reševali planet, se ne spomnem konkretno kaj, ampak dober filing pa veliko dela  Grin Wink

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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #129 - 03.05.2004 at 16:05:58
Nek novi zdravilec v Slo. ???

Kdo slišal za njega?

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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #130 - 03.05.2004 at 16:09:47
Kako poteka delavnica transformativnega celičnega zdravljenja ?


» S posebej izbrano glasbo se uglasim z duhom in prinesem duha skozi sebe in skozi vse prisotne na delavnici. Temu sledi invokacija s katero prosim duha, angele, vodnike, zavesti in bitja direktno iz vira, da delujejo z nami in skozi nas. Pri tem skozi nas stečejo velikanske količine energije, ki začnejo delovati na blokade, obtičalo energijo, pretekle travme,…- na vse, kar je spravljeno v našem celičnem spominu in je pripravljeno, da se sprosti iz njega…Da se lahko spomin na staro travmo popolnoma sprosti iz telesa, je včasih potrebno, da jo za kratek čas podoživimo. Ljudje smo sposobni občutiti te globoke energijske spremembe neposredno v svojem telesu. Začutimo bolečine na določenih mestih telesa, vročino, mraz, tresenje, telo se razširi, trza, se spontano premika in odziva. To je znak, da se celice odpirajo in sproščajo staro energijo, ki je bila ujeta v njih.«

Naloga tistega, ki vodi delavnico je, da gre v svoje srce in se prek njega poveže s srcem stvarnika in potem prosi duha, da pride navzdol in se spusti v vsakega posameznika.

Za delo s transformativno celično energijo ni posebej izbranih. Vsakdo to lahko stori. V resnici vsak človek v večji in manjši meri že prevaja to vrsto energije. In bolj očistimo sebe »starih navlak«, spustimo pričakovanja, prizadevanja, predvidevanja, bolj se brezpogojno odpremo, predamo duhu, bolj čist kanal te energije postajamo.

Zaradi tega na delavnicah običajno ni omejitve števila udeležencev. Vsi udeleženci sedijo v energijskem prostoru in gredo skozi zdravljenje z vsemi, ki so šli aktivno skozi proces. Za naš hiter in učinkovit prehod skozi zdravilni proces pa je zelo pomembno, da si priznamo blokado, ter jo spravimo v fizično dimenzijo, tako da je izrazimo (izgovorimo).

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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #131 - 04.05.2004 at 16:35:35
začelo..... Undecided se je spet na orto  Lips Sealed
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #132 - 04.05.2004 at 16:41:14
We choose only once. We choose either to be warriors or to be ordinary men. A second choice does not exist. Not on this earth.

The Wheel of Time
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #133 - 07.05.2004 at 09:01:47
še vedno....
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #134 - 08.05.2004 at 17:10:31
letos nas čaka še mnogo nenavadnih vremenskih sprememb in smrti  Cry.......hang on  Kiss
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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