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All IS Full Of Love
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"čudne" stvari dogajajo
19.01.2005 at 20:02:19
a se samo nama klele, al se še komu zadnje 3 dni net sesuva? iz sekunde v sekundo?

nekaj oreng dogaja...

to, da sonce 3 dni bruha, vemo

to, da je blo v zadnjih 2 dneh po svetu več kot 10 potresov čez 5 stopnjo, vemo

to, da mayevski elderji opozarjajo, vemo

Tko da, v pričakovanju najboljšega,





to se vid sam dons, k se v real tajmu skos spreminja, jst pa ne znam s svojga računalnika sejvano slikco uloadat (mogoče lahko kdo pomaga, da bomo meli zabeleženo);

hotla sem rečt, a še kdo opazi male zelene možice? Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #1 - 19.01.2005 at 20:25:25
Danes, no, pred pol ure, so bila na temnem nebu vidna kot ena taka 'rebrca', kot bi med 'oblake' z enakomerno razdaljo švignili vojaški migi in pustili tako sled. Prou to sem opazla, popolna rebrca.  Cheesy  al pa tko sklepi na hrbtni strani med dlanjo in prsti, skratka neko pravilno zaporedje, ki je kar bodlo, da to opaziš. res, sej mogoče so še zdej tam ...  

lp  Smiley

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #2 - 19.01.2005 at 20:33:31
Mae wrote on 19.01.2005 at 20:25:25:
Danes, no, pred pol ure, so bila na temnem nebu vidna kot ena taka 'rebrca', kot bi med 'oblake' z enakomerno razdaljo švignili vojaški migi in pustili tako sled. Prou to sem opazla, popolna rebrca.  Cheesy  al pa tko sklepi na hrbtni strani med dlanjo in prsti, skratka neko pravilno zaporedje, ki je kar bodlo, da to opaziš. res, sej mogoče so še zdej tam ...  

lp  Smiley

aha, zanimivo

je še kdo kaj opazil? Wink

kaj pa internetne linije ti delajo?

namreč sama to opažam, ker delam stvari, ki so povezane z internetom, in nisem edina, so tud drugi rekli, da se nekaj net sesuva

ker se to dogaja iz sekunde v sekundo, čist čudno Wink117055
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #3 - 19.01.2005 at 20:47:35
internet dela, sicer verjetno nisem tolk gor k ti  Smiley
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Ride si sapis!
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #4 - 20.01.2005 at 01:04:26

A t oje tista od Henčkov

Zeleni možici
prišli so po žici



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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #5 - 20.01.2005 at 01:05:29
t wrote on 20.01.2005 at 01:04:26:
A t oje tista od Henčkov

Zeleni možici
prišli so po žici



aha Grin

....in videli so zemljo, čuden naš planeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.... Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #6 - 20.01.2005 at 12:01:42
Solar Wind, Proton Storm Assaulting Earth
By awextra@arrl.org
Jan 19, 2005, 20:14

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This may be the week to check the sky for a display of northern lights and to check the radio for auroral propagation on VHF. A long-duration X-class solar flare earlier today (UTC) from giant sunspot 720 is expected to generate a major geomagnetic storm when it arrives January 18 or 19 (UTC). Spaceweather.com has issued an aurora alert.

X-class flares are major events that can trigger worldwide radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms. A space weather alert from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Space Environment Center (SEC) warns that a geomagnetic K index of 6 is expected through today UTC. A watch for a geomagnetic A index of 100 also remains in effect through January 17 UTC. NOAA says active sunspot region 720 has produced several strong solar events.

"Short-wave radio communications through the sunlit hemisphere of Earth experienced significant signal degradation during these solar flares," said a NOAA Space Weather Advisory issued at 1937 UTC today. "Associated strong geomagnetic and radiation storms are under way." NOAA says five large solar flares (CMEs) have produced moderate to strong radio blackouts since Saturday. The largest was measured at X3.8 at 0659 today.

The Solar Terrestrial Activity Report said NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) observed a strong increase in proton levels. "Currently, all solar wind measurements are invalid due to the proton storm," the report continued. "Severe geomagnetic storming has been observed since just before noon." NASA says solar wind speeds resulting from the huge coronal mass ejection (CME) or ejections earlier today have compromised the ability of the ACE Solar Wind Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (SWEPAM) to measure them.

The geomagnetic field is expected to generate active to severe storm conditions for the remainder of January 17 with unsettled to major storm conditions on January 18, due to the CME's effects.

Calling active region 720 "a large and complex sunspot cluster," NOAA predicted further major eruptions are possible from this region before it rotates out of view on January 22.

"Agencies impacted by solar flare radio blackouts, geomagnetic storms and solar radiation storms should continue to closely monitor the space environment through the remainder of this week," the NOAA's bulletin advised.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #7 - 20.01.2005 at 19:29:24


navkljub temu, da je posnetek iz leta 1969; ma je isti vrtinec, kot iz mojih sanj, nekaj dni po ogledu Day after tomorrow Wink
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« Last Edit: 20.01.2005 at 21:59:51 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #8 - 21.01.2005 at 09:05:47
temu pojavu Hrvati recejo 'pijavica', kako se rece pa drugac pa ne vem. Nastane zaradi nekih razlicnih pritiskov med plastmi zraka. Pred 3 leti, ko sem bila na Hvaru je bilo eno cudno vremensko poletje in smo jih vidli v dveh tednih kakih 25.     Full dobro zgleda, ko se zacne zrak iz oblaka vrtincit, Od spodaj nastaja pa tak vrtinec vode in pol vlece enga proti drugemu. samo nisem videla nobenega, ki bi se zdruzil, vedno je bilo par metrov razlike med spodnjim in zgornjim.

Sem pa govorila z enim, ki so bli na jadrnici, jih je pa ta zadeva preletela. baje je bilo tako, da so uleteli notri, jih je v sekundi obrnil za 360 stopinj, pa takoj spustil. Jim ni bilo nic jasno. Drugace pa mislim, da naj bi na ta nacin tud tornadi nastajal.

Lep dan!!!!
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Smiley Kukica Smiley
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #9 - 21.01.2005 at 09:31:30
..uf, lukava zadeva  Shocked
Bi bilo dobro videt `Live`.
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5 krat na dan
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All IS Full Of Love
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Space Storm Hits, Earth Survives
Reply #10 - 21.01.2005 at 23:12:31

A major solar flare unleashed Tuesday punished Earth's protective magnetic field early Wednesday, but the planet and its high-tech communication systems appear to have largely weathered the worst of the storm.

The storm shut down and possibly crippled an experimental communications satellite owned by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), officials said.

The satellite, called Kodama, went into a protective safe mode this morning. It is still able to communicate but officials left open the possibility that the craft is permanently damaged [Full Story].

The space storm, perhaps the third most powerful on record while in space, packed the potential to have more effect than one in 1989 that knocked out power to an entire Canadian province.

"This is one of the largest space weather events I've seen in 30 years," Joe Kunches, lead forecaster for NOAA's Space Environment Center, said in a telephone interview.

The brunt of the storm, a coronal mass ejection (CME), hit at around 1 a.m. EST Wednesday, reaching Earth about 19 hours after it left the Sun -- several hours sooner than expected.

"This makes it one of the fastest CME's we have recorded and comes close to a record superstorm in 1859," said Paal Brekke, deputy project scientist for the SOHO spacecraft, which first spotted the event.

Forecasters had feared the cloud of charged particles might fuel one of the worst geomagnetic storms in recorded history. The outcome depended on the whether the storm's magnetic orientation was the same or different than that of Earth's magnetic field. For the most part, it appears the alignment did not favor the worst outcome.
As of 11:30 a.m. EST the storm was still buffeting Earth's environment but the strength had waned slightly.

A giant magnet

Earth can be thought of as a giant magnet. Invisible magnetic field lines emanate from the planet's poles and extend out into space, beyond the atmosphere, to create a giant sphere of protection against solar particles. The Sun emits a constant stream of these particles, a so-called solar wind. Storms vastly enhance the output.

"The magnetic cloud slammed into the Earth's magnetosphere and created a G5 geomagnetic storm, the strongest category," Brekke explained. "However, the storm seems to weaken already and this is probably caused by the fact that the CME had a northward pointing magnetic component."

Brekke said the setup may have prevented a much more severe and long-lasting geomagnetic storm.

"We were quite lucky I would say," Brekke said.

Kunches noted that the magnetic direction of the storm could change before it is over, causing a burst of problems.

In addition to threatening satellites in space and power grids on Earth, the storm was expected to generate colorful Northern Lights well into mid-latitudes of the United States and Europe today into early Thursday.

The NASA-run web site Spaceweather.com reported today that aurora had been spotted as far south as central California, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma, signaling the storm's swift arrival and strong potential.

Residents of high latitudes, such as Alaska, may enjoy enhanced aurora activity for several more hours. It is not clear if tonight will bring more aurora for mid-latitude skywatchers, though early forecasts have suggested that would be the case. Experts say it can take a day or more for a big storm to blow completely past the planet.

Auroras, also called the Southern and Northern Lights, are created when the charged solar particles stream down Earth's magnetic field lines and excite oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere, near the poles. Normally the auroras are only visible from places near the poles, like Alaska. But when Earth's magnetic field is overwhelmed, the aurora can dip will into the United States and Europe.

"If this continues, there might be good aurora tonight," Brekke said in a telephone interview just before Noon EST. "But its hard to tell how long this cloud is and how dense it is."

Communication worries

A severe space storm can effect any sort of surface transmission lines -- from power to phone and even pipelines -- as extra current is induced, potentially overloading wires or switches.

Satellite operators and power grid managers had prepared to endure a potentially damaging event when forecasters on Tuesday announced the storm's impending arrival. It is not yet clear if any other damage has been done. Commercial satellite operators are loathe to admit problems, however, and are not required to do so.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) also said it had lost contact with its Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II, Midori-II, on Oct. 25. The reason is not known. A series of solar storms began late last week, but there has been no connection made between any of the storms and the Midori-II.

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station took cover from heavier radiation sent out by the flare. They were not expected to be in any serious danger, but they retreated to the Zvezda service module -- the most heavily protected -- several times Tuesday and again Wednesday.

Engineers can put some satellites into hibernation modes and reduce the operations of others to reduce the risk of electrical disruption or destruction. The storm, however, can also swell Earth's upper atmosphere, creating drag that can pull a satellite out of orbit.

Power grid operators arrange for less switching and fewer large-scale power swaps.

While apparently not a catastrophic event at Earth, the storm as it left the Sun remains historically interesting.

Comparing strength

Kicked up at about 6 a.m. EST (1100 UT) Tuesday, the major solar outburst came on the heels of four other flares late last week and over the weekend. All were considered fairly severe, but the latest eruption makes the others seem like solar sneezes.

Tuesday's blast was classified as an X17, where X denotes a major flare and larger numbers are stronger. That compares to two flare-ups over the weekend that were rated less than X2.

"The flare [Tuesday] may be the third strongest X-flare on record," Brekke said.

A slightly stronger flare on April 2, 2001 was not pointed at Earth. This week's storm was headed directly at us.

The space storm is intrinsically stronger than one on March 6, 1989 that tripped a power grid in Quebec, Canada.

Lesser storms have caused satellite problems. In 1997, an AT&T Telestar 401 satellite used to broadcast television shows from networks to local affiliates was knocked out during a solar storm. In May 1998 a solar blast disabled PanAmSat's Galaxy IV. Among the casualties: automated teller machines; gas station credit card handling services; 80 percent of all pagers in the United States; news wire service feeds; CNN's airport network; and some airline weather tracking services.

The greatest solar storm on record occurred in 1859, shorting out telegraph wires and starting fires in the United States and Europe. Brekke told SPACE.com that if this week's storm had hooked up with Earth in just the right way, it could have been about one-third as strong as the 1859 tempest and possibly stronger than the 1989 event.

The coronal mass ejection is one in a series sent out by two huge sunspots, the largest pair to grace the Sun at one time in recent memory. Sunspot 486 was responsible for this blast.

More major flares and space storm are possible in coming days, forecasters said. ...

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #11 - 22.01.2005 at 01:22:08
Petra. wrote on 18.01.2004 at 12:57:42:
Uranus In Pisces

Collective Thinking Creates Our World

Problems with air pollution and the ozone layer will cause major changes
in the weather. The melting of icecaps will likely cause the flooding of
many islands and coastal areas throughout the world. High winds,
hurricanes and tornados will become more frequent and show up in
unexpected places. The combined thoughts of the Collective Consciousness
of Humanity are creating our world reality, including the weather and
the earth changes. If we can collectively shift our thinking from
fear-based thinking to love, trust and faith in goodness, we can change
It is our faith that bridges us with the power of Creation.

skratka, astrologija je da best; v zadnjem letu se je vse to potrdilo; mal glejte naslove novic Wink sam kaj čmo, a nede? ko pa mamo tolkkkko svojih bolj pomebnih problemov Roll Eyes Tongue


( 888 — Obdobje vašega življenja se bo končalo in to je znak, ki vas vnaprej opozarja, da se pripravite. To zaporedje števil lahko pomeni, da zaključujete čustveno kariero ali fazo razmerja. Pomeni tudi, da je na koncu tunela luč. Poleg tega pomeni: 'Žito je zrelo. Ne čakaj, požanji ga in uživaj v njem.' Z drugimi besedami, ne obotavljaj se narediti korak ali uživati v sadovih svojega dela. jap, bom, hvala!

888… Simbolizira neskončnost. Poenotena spirala fizičnega, ki se zliva z duhovnim. Gibanje proti zaključku procesa vnebovzetja skozi energije 222 in 444.

222… Proces vstajenja in vnebovzetja.
444… To je dejansko število vstajenja. Pravkar ste zaključili pomembno fazo.


1's and 2's, such as 121 or 112 - Our thoughts are like seeds that are beginning to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of the fruition of your desires. These are signs that things will and are growing in your aspired direction. Keep the faith!

http://www.gape.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=izventelesneizkusnje;action=displ...)  Smiley
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #12 - 22.01.2005 at 02:01:24
Petra. wrote on 22.01.2005 at 02:00:08:
Saturn in Retrograde:
Impending World Disaster

Now Saturn has moved back into Gemini. He is going to be there in Gemini until May 25th (26th in India). From now until May 25/26th Saturn will bring in tremendous amount of destruction around the world. This destruction will invoke natural calamities as well as calamities caused by weapons of mass destruction. It is as if God is speaking through Saturn. It is indeed true that Saturn is God. It is Lord Siva who is the overlord for Saturn. In the midst of destruction and suffering there will be some comfort. Although the comfort will not be immediate. It is as if the whole world is being rid of negativity. The whole world is going through a surgical process. Saturn is conducting the massive surgical process of removing tumors.

During this upcoming 6 months period, Saturn will pull down the kings, presidents and prime ministers who came to power through unlawful means. He will also punish rich people who made money through exploitation. Many multi-billion dollar corporations exercising monopolies will be the worst hit. Saturn will get into the minds of these evil people and force them to become righteous by inflecting pain and suffering. Everyone will fear Saturn. In order to avoid the danger, it is important that mass prayer should be directed towards Saturn and his overlord Siva.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #13 - 26.01.2005 at 10:10:43
Latest Scientific Study Demonstrates Magnetic Influence on Humans

by Mitch Battros – ECTV

A New ‘University of College London’ study demonstrates magnetic effect on humans. The UCL team has been studying methods to improve a technique called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). They're currently exploring the use of their adapted version of TMS as a possible treatment for Parkinson's disease or stroke; as published in the Jan. 20th issue of Neuron.

In this study, the researchers outline how they found ways to improve TMS so that only a brief period of stimulation produces effects on the brain that last for an hour or more.

Longer-lasting effects may enable TMS to be used to modify brain activity in order to treat a wide range of brain problems, ranging from depression to brain damage.

TMS involves the use of a magnetic coil that's held outside the skull. This coil, which can be moved over different parts of the head, creates magnetic fields that induce tiny electrical currents inside the brain. These electrical currents alter the activity of neural pathways, stimulating or inhibiting activity in different areas of the brain.

So to answer your question: “Do solar flares and cme’s have an effect on humans/animals as well as Earth’s weather?”  Answer:  YES


Sunspots -> Solar Flares (CME’s) -> Magnetic Field Shift -> Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents -> Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: "čudne" stvari dogajajo
Reply #14 - 26.01.2005 at 16:31:12
Why Backward Time Travel Is Not Possible
By Bill Lang, Useless-Knowledge.com

Many people have a desire to be able to travel back and forth through time.

There are many reasons for this, from making bets on horses, to changing life-altering events, to just being able to observe historical events.

Many science fiction programs talk about the paradox that would happen under certain circumstances. The grandfather paradox, where a person ventures back in time and kills their grandfather as a child. The paradox - if you kill your grandfather you couldn't be born to go back in time to kill your grandfather. There are many other circumstances that can cause a paradox, and they are treated with great special effects by Hollywood(ville).

The most popular method of handling a paradox is to create an alternate time line. For the grandfather paradox, that means that the original timeline where you went back to kill your grandfather continues without you along the same path as if your grandfather was never killed. At the point you kill your grandfather, an alternate time line is created where your grandfather dies and you are never born. Indeed, without some special mind games, backward time travel seems to require very unusual things to happen.

In order to understand why backward time travel isn't possible, we need to understand what time is. Time is a man made measure of movement. The pendulum of the grandfather's clock, the electrons in your digital watch, the shadow on a sundial, the decay of radioactive elements in an atomic clock. There is no measure of time that is not also a measure of movement.

So, to put it in perspective, in order to move back in time, you need to undo the movement of the universe. Not just make the universe move back to where it was at the time you want to go back to, because that would be nothing more than movement in a different direction. You would need to undo, as if it never happened, the movement of the universe.

Some may say that traveling faster than light has the potential to allow people to travel back through time. The speed at which someone moves cannot have any effect on backward travel through time because speed and time are both movements that always move forward in 'time'. Is it logical to think that you can use a movement (traveling faster than light) to somehow make another movement (time) simply undo itself? The best one can hope for is to travel fast enough to be instantaneously moved from one place to another.

Now it may seem that it has been proven that time travel is possible because of the twins effect. Twin astronauts who both refrain from shaving, one orbiting in space and one left on earth, the one orbiting will have less beard growth after weeks on the mission. It actually has been proven that speed can slow time by taking 2 synchronized atomic clocks and placing one in an orbiting spacecraft and leaving the other on Earth. Yes, the clock on the spacecraft will measure less time than the clock on Earth. What has happened here is nothing more than the slowing of one time relative to another time due to speed and distance. Taken to the extreme, if a person could travel fast enough and long enough, they could slow their time down relative to someone else's time. A twin that could travel 20 light years in a second could travel out and back with only 2 seconds of time elapsing for them, and 40 years elapsing for their twin on Earth. Even if one considers this to be time travel, it is still traveling only forward in time.

Finally, if one twin could travel fast enough to instantly cross the galaxy and then instantly return to Earth so that the same relative time transpired for BOTH twins, that would still not allow backward time travel.

There simply is nothing that can undo the movement of the universe and thus allow travel backward in time.
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