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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

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nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
05.03.2005 at 18:42:46
mogoče kaj več o tem bi poročal naš Dr. srca, kljub temu, da se že več k 50 let dihat matra, Dr.dih stojan stojči SVET?

predajam besedo stojčiju!

poslušam, sprejemam in artam, k časa ne jebem več u 5%, kdo ma pa še umetnost za to?
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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ravno prav
Posts: 5471
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Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #1 - 05.03.2005 at 18:54:06
z zrakom, ki ga diham, sem eno
ker moj zrak ni mogoče ločit od drugega zraka, s katerim so drugi eno, sem torej prek njega eno z drugimi Grin
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #2 - 05.03.2005 at 20:50:51
Hvala Dr. Stojči za tole besedo, tale maharađi je res en hud devil od guruja, in k smo lih pri devilih, predajam zdej besedo Devi, kaj pa ti veš? prosim tukaj in ZDAJ, vse kar veš mi povej, k jst res ne bi vedla. Tongue
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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ravno prav
Posts: 5471
Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #3 - 05.03.2005 at 23:08:11
no, tist kar je stojči povedal jest tud mislim bl al mn Grin
drgač pa, najbrž bi mogli kej z revščino na svetu nardit, pa mal več delit z drugimi, pa nehat vodo pa zrak giftat
aja, pa lahko bi bli bl prjazni en do druzga Smiley
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #4 - 06.03.2005 at 00:21:52
Devi wrote on 05.03.2005 at 23:08:11:
aja, pa lahko bi bli bl prjazni en do druzga Smiley

kako pa lahko dokažemo, da smo prijazni? a mogoče tako, da smo resni in zvesti?

pa komu sem sploh lahko edino v resnici zvesta? tvojemu al mojemu srcu? to je zame vse skupaj preveč, ne vem če se še grem?
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #5 - 16.03.2005 at 02:18:50
Do You Believe!!!

Carl Jung said that each of us must decide for ourselves, "Is the universe a friendly place?" many of were raised in environments of great fear of a punishing and vengeful God. Then we get to study Science of Mind and we
finally realize that Spirit is loving and compassionate and that Spirit is never against us but always for us. Spirits universe is indeed a friendly place.  When we lead our lives with this belief system we become positive and we expect good things to happen to us. When something unfortunate does occur in our lives, our belief system knows that it will pass and that good is right around the corner. If, however our basic belief system is that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we'll go through this and every day of our lives subconsciously and sometimes consciously waiting for the other shoe to drop, literally ducking through life.  With this kind of belief system we live simply hoping to get through each day unscathed
carrying an underlying feeling of fear and dread wherever we are.

Let's commit to move through this day acting as though this is a friendly universe that we can trust. Let's commit to living this day as though we are supported in accomplishing the purpose of our lives and that we are completely supported in ways we cant imagine.

Affirm: Today I am surrounded by the love of Spirit, I make a conscious choice to go forward in faith rather than backward in fear. I choose to believe the universe is afriendly place. Today is Spirit's day and I rejoice in it.

From the Science of Mind.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #6 - 16.03.2005 at 02:36:09

What is the role of my soul in my life?
by Gary Zukav

The question is not, "What is the role of your soul in your life?"  The question is, "What is the role of your life in your soul?"  You are an energy tool of your soul. You were born on one date, and you will die on another.   Your soul is that part of you that existed before you were born, and will continue to exist when you die.  It is that part of you that is eternal.  Your soul uses your personality, not the other way around.  Your soul is immensely larger than you.   Its comprehension is immensely larger and its compassion is immensely larger.   Its experience is different.

Anger, jealousy, resentment, anxiety, and the many forms of fear are experiences of the Earth school.  They reflect in the domain of the five senses those parts of your soul that your soul desires to heal.  That healing comes, or not, with your decisions to respond consciously and compassionately to the challenges of your life -- to create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life.  That is your job.  When you use your free will - the force of your intention - to align yourself with your soul, you create authentic power.  You become humble, forgiving, clear, and loving.   You treasure Life.  You are happy to be on the Earth, even in your most difficult moments.

Your life is an opportunity to do these things.  It is also your opportunity to give the gifts that your soul wants to give.  You cannot do that while you are in the grip of anger, jealousy, sorrow, or fear.  You cannot enjoy the fulfillment of a life lived consciously and meaningfully.  Your time on the Earth is the opportunity to create such a life - to use your will intelligently, wisely, and compassionately.   When you do, you become a conduit for the energy of your soul.  What your soul wants, you want.

What your soul treasures, you treasure.

Your soul treasures harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life.  Learning how to create these moment by moment is the role of your life in your sou

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #7 - 16.03.2005 at 02:38:00
Keeping Up with the Keys  

   I saw an extraordinary film called Standing in the Shadows of Motown, an inspiring documentary that chronicles the careers of  a dozen musicians who recorded the background music for all the great Motown stars such as the Supremes, Temptations, Four Tops, and on and on. The posse, known as "the Funk Brothers" turned out more hit records than were ever sold by the Beatles, Beach Boys, and Rolling Stones combined.

    The Funk Brothers’ keyboardist described how the group would drop into grooves in which the music seemed to be playing them. "My job," he explained, "was to get my fingers to keep up with the keys that were pressing themselves down."

   When you open yourself as a vehicle for creative _expression, the song, painting, book, speech, or lovemaking takes over and you feel like it is living through you. In that moment you are one with the creator and the creation, and without effort you feel fulfilled and bring ultimate joy, color, and good to the world.

    I saw a film of boxing great Muhammad Ali. The film, slowed down to illustrate Ali’s masterful technique, showed him ducking punches before his opponent threw them. Something in Ali was so attuned to the flow that he knew what was coming and reacted on the basis of intuition only. Ali was not thinking at all; he was just feeling and knowing.

   Ali was in the flow, or the Tao, or the Zone.  Living  in this consciousness has little to do with figuring things out, and a lot to do with feeling things out. More sensing than planning. More being than doing. The flow is the one thing you cannot control or organize. You can only move with it. And it will serve you well if you trust it.

    The Star Wars series popularized the salutation, "May the Force be with you." Yet this benediction falls a tad short of a more accurate blessing: "May you be with the Force." The Force, you see, is already with you. It is beating your heart, breathing your lungs, and operating billions of microscopic processes in your body and trillions of other bodies, not to mention organizing and sustaining the entire universe. The Force is operating everywhere always, intelligently and masterfully. The question is, are you aligned with it? Are you listening to its guidance and dancing in its flow?

    Good things are wanting and trying to happen to you and through you. Music is calling to be played, success is begging to be achieved, and solid, loving relationships are seeking to blossom. Are you willing to let them? Can you let love find you and express through you? Quit trying to figure out which keys to press, or forcing the ones you have decided should go down. Instead, watch for which keys that are pressing themselves, and then do your best to keep your fingers in the holes.

                                                                                     Alan Cohen

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Reply #8 - 16.03.2005 at 08:15:43
be a child inside... go and play! agapes SandBoX!

hvala! tnx! danke!


























agape, hvala! hvala! hvala! *** ok ok, bom se še mal špilala...





aha! zdej sm se pa izdala! it is I, I, I *** bUdala8








Shiva is that formless, colourless,
unmanifest who contains everything in Him.

Sakti means power, force, the feminine energy, for she represents the primal creative
principle underlying the cosmos. She is the energizing force of all divinity, of every
being and every thing. The whole universe is the manifestation of Sakti.









btw, una moja frendica k ma petra pana, pa še una k ma malo petro pan; ste vabljeni v soboto k tavelki petri domov, v hišo z velkim sončnim vrtom, na ŽUR!!! let us play!!! together as oNeIeNo
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #9 - 16.03.2005 at 09:29:32
sam tolk da ga skinem z recent Grin
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #10 - 16.03.2005 at 13:51:28
m wrote on 16.03.2005 at 09:29:32:
sam tolk da ga skinem z recent Grin

hvala ti sri matrjana devi
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Reply #11 - 17.03.2005 at 12:08:04




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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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No guts no glory!
Posts: 2783

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #12 - 17.03.2005 at 13:56:36
če še niste opazili, svet je ŽE eno  Roll Eyes

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #13 - 17.03.2005 at 16:36:42
sinjeoka wrote on 17.03.2005 at 13:56:36:
če še niste opazili, svet je ŽE eno  Roll Eyes

v celem google je samo ena:


hvala! mitaki!

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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No guts no glory!
Posts: 2783

Gender: female
Re: nameravam, da je svet spet cel&ENO
Reply #14 - 17.03.2005 at 17:04:10
žur je bil očitno prenaporen zate, ker se ti še danes pozna

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