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I love YaBB!
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03.11.2005 at 12:12:26
... seveda ... priporočam ...


Overall it is the most complete picture of US Foreign Policy I have seen.

Plot Outline: Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Jarecki's shrewd and intelligent polemic would seem to give an affirmative answer to each of these questions.
He may have been the ultimate icon of 1950s conformity and postwar complacency, but Dwight D. Eisenhower was an iconoclast, visionary, and the Cassandra of the New World Order. Upon departing his presidency, Eisenhower issued a stern, cogent warning about the burgeoning "military industrial complex," foretelling with ominous clarity the state of the world in 2004 with its incestuous entanglement of political, corporate, and Defense Department interests.

What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism? This award-winning film provides an inside look at the anatomy of the American war machine.

Why We Fight is the title of a series of propaganda films that Frank Capra began making in 1942, with the aim of encouraging the American war effort against Nazism. Director Eugene Jarecki (The Trials of Henry Kissinger) has used the films as a commentary on the contemporary obsession of the American elite with military power.

He also harks back to a speech by President Eisenhower, who, just before he left office, referred to the "military-industrial complex". Eisenhower was worried that too much intelligence, and too much business acumen in America, had become focussed on the production of unnecessary weapons systems.

Since Eisenhower's time, everything has become much worse, as Eugene Jarecki describes it. The war in Iraq was made possible by a new range of weapons systems: a bomb called the "bunker buster" was dropped by stealth bombers on the first night of the conflict.

Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy? Has the military become too important in American life? Jarecki's shrewd and intelligent polemic would seem to give an affirmative answer to each of these questions.


da mal osvetlim ... neokonzervativce ...
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I love YaBB!
Posts: 13595
The Land of YaBB
Reply #1 - 06.11.2005 at 22:10:26


anatomija ameriške vojaške mašine

gledalec pravi:
kot celota je ta film najbolj popolna slika zunanje politike ZDA, kar sem jih videl.

za kaj gre:
ali v ameriški zunanji politika prevladuje ideja o vojaški nadvladi? je vojska postala preveč pomemben del ameriškega življenja? jareckijeva bistroumna in inteligntna polemika izgleda kot da daje pozitiven odgovor na ta vprašanja.
Lahko da je bil največja primernostna (?) ikona petdesetih in povojne samozadovoljnosti, ampak
Dwight D. Eisenhower je bil was tudi borec proti
praznoverju, vizionar in 'Cassandra' (?) nove svetovne ureditve (New World Order). Ob zaključku svojega predsednikovanja, je Eisenhover imel govor v katerem je javnost opozoril, jasno in glasno, na hitro rastoč vojaško industrijski kompleks in napovedal, z veliko jasnostjo, stanje sveta leta 2004. Sploh pa krvoskrunsko prepletenost političnih, korporativnih in vojaških intresov (Defense (obramba) Department).


Kaj so sile ki oblikujejo in ženejo naprej ameriški militarizem? Ta nagrajeni film vam omogoči vpogled v anatomijo ameriške vojaške mašinerije.

Zakaj se borimo je naslov serije propagandnih filmov, ki jih je Frank Capra začel snemati leta 1942, s ciljem da prispeva k ameriškim vojaškim naporom proti nacizmu. Režiser Eugene Jarecki (Sojenja Henryu Kissingerju), je uporabil filme kot komentar na dandanašnjo obsedenost ameriških elit z vojaško močjo.

Ne pozabi niti na govor predsednika Eisenhoverja, tik preden je zpustil prededniško mesto, v katerem govori o vojaško industrijskem kompleksu. Eisenhover je bil zaskrbljen da se je preveč inteligence in sposobnih poslovnežev v ameriki, orientiralo na izdelavo nepotrebnih (sistemov) orožij.

Kot opisuje Eugene Jarecki, je od časov Eisenhoverja vse postalo še precej slabše. Vojna v iraku je postala možna zaradi nastanka novih vrst orožij: prvo noč konflikta je nevidni bombnik odvrgel bombo, ki ji rečejo 'uničevalec bunkerjev'.

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I Love YaBB 2!
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Reply #2 - 17.09.2009 at 00:17:01
gledalec pravi:
kot celota je ta film najbolj popolna slika zunanje politike ZDA, kar sem jih videl.

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