Petra. wrote on 07.11.2009 at 19:49:57: angliji se dogaja totalna kontrola nad ljudmi. ne morem verjet.
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This has also happened to friends of my family recently, except in this case they only got told after the baby had been born. The mother has learning difficulties and is living with her mother and stepfather, would have the full support of her mother to help look after the child and has a large support network of other family members who all live on the same estate. Not only was her baby taken away in hospital they have not offered her any parenting support or counselling to help her deal with the situation. It is absolutely disgusting that they haven't even given her a chance to be the fabulous mother that she could be. I don't think that SS realise the damage that they cause when they make sweeping assumptions like this and that whatever progress these Mum's have made in their lives is destroyed by the anxiety, depression and pain that what they have done causes. Maybe we should remove their children for being cold, heartless and uncaring and see how they feel about it.
- Ria, Hexham, England, 07/11/2009 09:48
Sam unale bejba je res mal prekmal štartala z otrokom, ker ga je fasala () pred dopolnjenim 18 letom, in torej bo mal prekmal rodila.
Je bla pa tud prepotrebna, da je mogla it v to.
Al pa tko , k' dons' delajo bejbe, samo da dedce obdržijo.
Al' pa še najnovejš' : samo da otroka dobijo, : dedca zblojenga pa itak ne rabjo .
So že same dovolj sposobne da poskrbijo za otroka. No, vsaj tako si domišljajo, četudi precej res zmorejo poskrbet materijalno zanj .
He, otrok se pa pol sprašuje kaka moška štorklja da ga je prinesla mami v naročje
No, da o socialnih zblojencih ki nevejo kaj bi sami z sabo ( oziroma kam bi se dal' ) pa sploh ne govorim.
Tak ti je dandanes tale svet, ... zblojen kot je.
Ajd, lp, čaw