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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2310 - 18.04.2010 at 14:16:10
gape wrote on 18.04.2010 at 13:10:09:
hudo hudo hudo
tolk lepo povedano, da je že težko lepš povedat
superpriporočam videt ...

Who is Peter Joseph?
by charles robinson


dobrih 49 minut   Smiley
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2311 - 19.04.2010 at 10:08:26

pol pa še z nekje drugje kopiram:

More to Iceland Volcano than Made Public

The damage caused by Iceland volcano "Eyjafjallajokull," could be far more damaging than is being reported. It has happened before, and it could happen again. The last large eruption was in 1695 with consequences lasting seven years and brought Scotland to its knees.

Below is a just-released video showing what it looks like to drive in Iceland. If this is a major "Eyjafjallajokull" eruption, parts of the United Kingdom may look similar. Not only does such an event change the world's climate for 3 or 4 years, it could cause a financial collapse of the European Union. If they go down --- everybody goes down.


Last Major Eruption

Outpourings of volcanic ash from Iceland in the 17th Century contributed to a period of famine and hardship in Scotland, according to experts. A major eruption in 1695 saw large parts of the country affected by a "sulphurous fog."

Prof Alastair Dawson of the University of Aberdeen, writing in the latest Scottish Environment Protection Agency magazine said it came at a time of climatic change. Dust in the atmosphere dimmed sunlight causing crops to fail.

Prof Dawson says: "We cannot be sure what the precise effect of this eruption was on Scotland's climate but we do know that the years between AD 1693-1700 were characterized by widespread famine." They later became known as the 'King William's Dear Years'.

Dimming Sunlight

The effect of eruptions on the Highlands and Islands during the 17th Century has been investigated by other academics. A research paper called: Endemic stress, farming communities and the influence of Icelandic volcanic eruptions in the Scottish Highlands is held in the Lyell Collection of the Geological Society.

In an interview on solar activity with the BBC News Scotland website last April, Gareth Jones - a climate research scientist at the Met Office - said volcanic ash was an important factor in influencing temperatures.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2312 - 19.04.2010 at 10:25:53
Petra nezgrešljiva je najina napoved.Vesolje samodeluje in nas bo samo spametovalo.Tukaj vidim napredek v razmišljanju znanosti. Smiley Smiley
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2313 - 19.04.2010 at 11:06:17
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 19.04.2010 at 10:25:53:
Petra nezgrešljiva je najina napoved.Vesolje samodeluje in nas bo samo spametovalo.Tukaj vidim napredek v razmišljanju znanosti. Smiley Smiley

hvala bogu, oz. vesolju.  Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2314 - 19.04.2010 at 11:27:21
Petra. wrote on 19.04.2010 at 11:06:17:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 19.04.2010 at 10:25:53:
Petra nezgrešljiva je najina napoved.Vesolje samodeluje in nas bo samo spametovalo.Tukaj vidim napredek v razmišljanju znanosti. Smiley Smiley

hvala bogu, oz. vesolju.  Wink

Da se ti še malo pohvalim,da se tudi ta zadeva dober kaže tudi pri meni.  Bom videl kaj se bo izcimilo.Javim! Smiley
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2315 - 20.04.2010 at 12:28:53


nujno videt, sploh kdor ne ve kaj in kako se programira voda in kako to povratno vpliva na nas, ker smo sami iz vode, hkrati programiramo tud sebe ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2316 - 20.04.2010 at 12:54:05
gape wrote on 20.04.2010 at 12:28:53:

nujno videt, sploh kdor ne ve kaj in kako se programira voda in kako to povratno vpliva na nas, ker smo sami iz vode, hkrati programiramo tud sebe ...

Dobra zadeva gape!! Če ima voda akumulirano in realizirano vrednost znotraj savoje molekularne strukture,je zadeva sprejemljiva.Znanost tega dejstva ne razume-da ima vsaka X pojavnost tudi kamen znotraj sebe dve vrednosti akumulirano realizirano-Šele po tem spoznanju je možno razumeti elementarno nezavedni spomin-snovi!! Wink WinkTo je tisto o čemer El Poeta govori samo ni še opredelil.ElPoeta Govori o vesoljni nadzavesti-elementarni zavesti,ki izraža dejanjski vesoljni samospomin skozi svoj  samoobstoj
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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Ex Member

Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2317 - 20.04.2010 at 13:36:01
gape wrote on 20.04.2010 at 12:28:53:

nujno videt, sploh kdor ne ve kaj in kako se programira voda in kako to povratno vpliva na nas, ker smo sami iz vode, hkrati programiramo tud sebe ...

Think Positive
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2318 - 20.04.2010 at 21:16:27
gape wrote on 20.04.2010 at 12:28:53:

nujno videt, sploh kdor ne ve kaj in kako se programira voda in kako to povratno vpliva na nas, ker smo sami iz vode, hkrati programiramo tud sebe ...

Zakon  hvala  Smiley
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2319 - 21.04.2010 at 08:46:50
Global Shift & 2012 Probabilities (Part 1 of 5) Changes to Earth, Sun, and Solar System

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2320 - 21.04.2010 at 13:42:39

Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead In US As Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates(GMO CORN)

— Google this to find the article: Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead In US As Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates

According to these reports this mysterious, and as yet unidentified, lung disease responsible for this mass die-off began during the spring of 2008 in the US agricultural State of Iowa where (very ironically) at least 36 people attending a Lung Association event at the Governors mansion were stricken.

Important to note about Iowa is that it is one of the largest corn producing regions in the World harvesting over 2 billon bushels of this valuable grain farmed on nearly 32 million acres of its farmland, over 99% of which are genetically modified varieties made by the US agricultural giant Monsanto and idententifeid by their trade names of Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603.

Not reported to the American people about these genetically modified corn varieties made by Monsanto was the study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences warning that they were linked to organ damage. Monsanto quickly responded to this study, stating that the research was based on faulty analytical methods and reasoning and do not call into question the safety findings for these products.

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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2321 - 21.04.2010 at 14:11:24
To ni kaka teorija zarote , to je rezultat ljudi ki so polni sami sebe in hlastajo po uspehu ker drugače so nihče in ne morejo živet sami z sabo . Zato se tut ne zavedajo kaj delajo , in zato bi rabli pojest oni to karuzo in ko bi zboleli bi prosili na kolenih za odpuščanje v trpljenju bi moledovali da bodo vse spremenili na bolše če le  preživijo Angry  Cheesy satan iz mene govori  Cheesy
ne tut to ni rešitev nop življenje vse in vsakogar spremeni  brez skrbi  Grin
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2322 - 22.04.2010 at 12:42:51
ni teorija zarote
niti ni zarota
je agenda (načrt - pozitiven izraz in zato deluje, kjub temu da je 'slaba' ... za nekatere (pa čeprow je le teh (velika) večina))
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2323 - 22.04.2010 at 20:40:28
The Sun as you've never seen it: Nasa reveals stunning footage from new satellite

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1267943/Nasa-Solar-Dynamics-Obser...

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: doomsday 2012 end of days
Reply #2324 - 22.04.2010 at 21:00:17
Life-After-Death, Ancient Texts, & the Vril


Author, filmmaker, and hermetic scholar Jay Weidner discussed his documentary about life-after-death, as well as his research into an ancient group known as the Aryans or the Vril, who migrated to
Mars. His film, Infinity: The Ultimate Trip features such people as Dannion Brinkley and Gregg Braden exploring concepts of the afterlife and reincarnation. Weidner said he made the film to help
people not be afraid to die, and to no longer be afraid to live their lives freely. "Once we realize that there's no such thing as death, then I think we're going to be liberated from the political
and social environment that we've been thrust into," he said. In the film, Brinkley reported that the government has investigated near-death experiences but has refused to tell the public what
they've found, because it's in their interests to control the populace through fear.

Secrets are going to come undone, "and one of the main secrets of all is that we are hyperdimensional beings...and that energies do not die, they only transform themselves," Weidner declared. In
his study of the ancient Sanskrit texts called the Puranas, he learned that humanity has been on Earth for as long as a million years, and repeats four different cycles. Our current age, they
predicted, will end in the year 2442 with coronal mass ejections wiping out life as we know it.

According to Weidner's interpretation of the Puranas, during one of the previous cycles when solar ejections occurred, a group of Earthlings were able to escape to Mars and live there safely
underground. When they returned to Earth, their appearance had changed to tall, pale-colored beings, who became known as the Ayrans or the Vril, he said, adding that they're secretly ruling the
planet. He also talked about L. Austine Waddell's research into the Aryans, and director Stanley Kubrick, whom he believed was trying to reveal knowledge of secret ruling societies, in his films
like Eyes Wide Shut, and an abandoned project called The Aryan Papers.
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