gape wrote on 17.04.2009 at 10:16:25:pa še ena
na temo izbruhov na soncu in tako
The Emerging Sunspot Cycle 24 and a Weakening Magnetic FieldIntroduction
If you were thinking that the only things we have to be concerned about include wars, famines, and economic crashes, think again.
New scientific discoveries are indicating that this next solar flare cycle could potentially be powerful enough to distrupt our planet's entire electric grid. In this report, I will document the number of changes taking place with our magnetic field, the sun and our solar system while expaining some of the concerns that today's leading scientists have voiced. I will also be examining how humankind may also be affected energically.č al manj smo že use slišal/prebral/vidl/vedl pa useen, model se je full u jedro lotu zadeve
tole bo pa verjetno glavni problem
Quote: History of solar activity affecting the grid
On August 28, 1859, polar lights glowed and shimmered all over the American continent as darkness fell. Many people thought their city was aflame. The instruments used to record this magnetic fluctuation across the world went off their scales. Telegraph systems malfunctioned, hit by a massive surge in voltage. It was perhaps the worst in the past 200 years and with the advent of modern power grids and satellites, much more is at risk.
This was an actual solar storm. Its results for humankind were small, because civilization had not yet entered a hi-tech phase of development. Had something similar happen in our nuclear space age, destruction would have been catastrophic. Meanwhile, according to scientific data, storms of such size occur relatively seldom: once in five centuries. But events with half the intensity happen every 50 years.
The last one took place on November 13, 1960 and disturbed the Earth's geomagnetic fields, upsetting the operation of radio stations.
How this could impact our grid today
Now our dependence on radio electronic devices is so immense that increased solar activity could disable life-support systems all over the world, and not only on the surface. Poor space weather makes all orbital systems malfunction. A heavy solar storm can cause disruption to space-based navigation systems.
NASA is now sounding an alarm because our continent is so close to the northern magnetic pole and is the most vulnerable to solar activity. A study by the MetaTech Corporation revealed that an impact similar to that of 1859 would incapacitate the entire electricity grid in North America. Even the relatively weak magnetic storm of 1989, provoked by solar activity, caused an accident at a Canadian hydro-electric power plant that left 6 million people in the U.S. and Canada without electric power for nine hours.
A new study from the National Academy of Sciences also outlines grim possibilities on Earth for a worst-case scenario solar storm. Modern power grids are so interconnected that a big space storm — the type expected to occur about once a century — could cause a cascade of failures that would sweep across the United States, cutting power to 130 million people or more in this country alone, the new report concludes. Such widespread power outages, though expected to be a rare possibility, would affect other vital systems.
"Impacts would be felt on interdependent infrastructures with, for example, potable water distribution affected within several hours; perishable foods and medications lost in 12-24 hours; immediate or eventual loss of heating/air conditioning, sewage disposal, phone service, transportation, fuel resupply and so on," the report states.
Outages could take months to fix, the researchers say. Banks might close, and trade with other countries might halt. "Emergency services would be strained, and command and control might be lost," write the researchers, led by Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
Quote:Calculations indicate that we're due to see another rise in intense solar activity in about two years: September 22, 2010. NASA predicts that this will peak in 2012.
Quote: Scientists from the Russian National Academy of Science in Siberia have come to the conclusion that we have moved into an area of space that is different and has a much higher energy level. The Russians are reporting changes that are being recorded in space that have never been seen before. The Russians have looked at the leading edge of our sun's heliosphere and they have observed glowing, plasma energy.
The Russian National Academy of Sciences doesn't give us a time-line, but the change from what was known and accepted to the way it is now represents a 1000 percent increase. And the Russians say that this change in the Sun is changing how the planets function and what kind of life they could support. They even report — but don't explain — that the DNA spiral itself is altering.
pa še zaključek prlimam
Quote: What Is Going On?
Since 1900 we have gone from riding horses to launching satellites into space. From sending letters by horseback to firing them off with instantaneous email, cell phones, and faxes. On the other hand, we have gone from warring with primitive weapons to atomic bombs and bioterrorism.
And perhaps even more significantly, in 1900 the Earth had 30 million species, species which took billions of years to create. Now, we have less than half that number — fewer than 15 million species. And this all happened in 100 years: a geological blink of an eye. Disturbingly, we may be at the bring of World War Three following an economic crash of the world economy.
This new information about the changes in our solar system comes at an interesting time for our planet. It could be possible that for some time celestial events may have been playing their part in shaping our way of life on the planet, and that these changes that we are now seeing with our sun, magnetic field, and solar system may be the very thing that changes our world as we know it into something new.
Only time will tell, but it appears that the future may already be here....