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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5880 - 24.09.2014 at 00:40:27
Status Update
By Tar Mar
Subject: kaj nas-vas čaka?!
Tole pisanje pa je prav šokantno, zato ga resno preberite, vključno z zadnjim stavkom.
Verjetno je to res in zato nas je mogoče groza. Uradna objava o koncu Evrope kakršno jo mi poznamo

Da bi se kultura nekega naroda obdržala dlje kot 25 let, mora obstajati stopnja rodnosti 2,11 otrok na družino. Vse kar je pod to stopnjo, kaže, da bo družba izginila!
Pregled skozi zgodovino kaže, da se ni rešila nobena kultura, ko je stopnja rodnosti padla pod 1,9. Stopnjo 1,3 pa je nemogoča preobrniti, ker bi trajalo 80 - 100 let, da bi se to preobrnilo. Tudi ekonomskega modela ni, ki bi ohranil družbo skozi ta čas. Z drugimi besedami, od dveh starševskih parov ima vsak po enega otroka, vsak otrok dobi po enega otroka, bo 4 krat manj otrok kot babic in dedkov.
Če se rodi samo 1 milijon otrok v letu 2014 je težko računati na 2 milijona odraslih, ki bi šli v leto 2034. Kako se zmanjšuje populacija, tako tudi družba in kultura legalno izginja.
Stopnja rodnosti v Franciji je 1,8, v Angliji 1,6, Grčiji 1,3, Nemčiji 1,3, Italiji 1,2, Španiji 1,1.... 31 dežel EU ima stopnjo rodnosti skupaj 1,38! Zgodovina trdi, da te stopnje ni mogoče spreobrniti.
Po nekaj letih EU, ki jo mi poznamo ne bo več obstajala!
Toda populacija Evrope se ne zmanjšuje!
Od vse populacijske rasti Evrope od leta 1990 90% je islamska emigracija.
Francija torej ima populacijsko stopnjo 1,8, muslimani pa 8,1 promilov.
Južna Francija, je skozi zgodovino bila regija z največ cerkvami na svetu, sedaj ima največ džamij kot cerkva. 30% prebivalstva pod 20-timi leti so muslimani. V večjih mestih kot so Nica, Marsej, Pariz je število muslimanov naraslo na 45%. Do leta 2027 bo vsaki 5 Francoz musliman. S takim tempom bo čez 39 let Francija islamska republika!
V zadnjih 30. Letih v Veliki Britaniji je število muslimanov z 8.200 zraslo na 2,5 milijonov. Torej 30 krat se je rodnost muslimanov povečala. V Britaniji je čez 1000 džamij večina starih cerkva.
Na Nizozemskem 50% novorojenčkov je muslimanov in čez 15 let bodo večinsko prebivalstvo.
V Rusiji je 23 milijonov muslimanov. Vsaki 5 Rus je musliman.
Čez nekaj let bo 40% ruske vojske muslimani.
V Belgiji je 25% novorojencev muslimanov. Belgijska vlada je ugotovila, da bo 1/3 vseh otrok rojenih v Evropi čez 15 let muslimanske veroizpovedi. Nemška vlada je javno opozorila: »Padec nemške populacije se ne more več zaustaviti«. Tendenca padca rodnosti se torej ne more več ustaviti. Nemčija bo muslimanska dežela od leta 2050.
Libijski voditelj Muamar Gadaffi je izjavil: »Obstajajo indici, da bo Alah zagotovil zmago nad Evropo brez mečev, pušk in brez osvajalskih bojev. Ne potrebujemo teroristov in samomorilcev. 50 milijonov muslimanov bo Evropo pretvorilo v muslimanski kontinent v nekaj desetletjih.«
Po podatkih iz 2007 jih je 52 milijonov, do 2017 se bo to število podvojilo na 104 milijonov.
Katoliška cerkev je objavila, da jo je islam prekaša z registriranim številom verujočih. Čez 5-7 let bo islam dominantna religija na svetu. Svet v katerem mi živimo ne bo več tisti v katerem bodo živeli naši vnuki.
Zveni smešno, toda emancipacija, ki je vzdignila žensko zavest in svobodo, ki jim je bila kratena skozi zgodovino in direktno vplivala na padec rodnosti, se je pokazala kot odličen način, da se totalno zruši zahodna civilizacija.
Tisto kar je pa najbolj žalostno, ne oziraje se na tisto kar mislimo o položaju žensk v islamu. Ko islam preplavi zahodni svet in doseže večino, bo enostavno ukinil svobodo ženski, ki jo trenutno uživajo.
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5881 - 01.10.2014 at 11:10:30
Etymologia Esoterica Grammatica: The Hidden Truth About English

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5882 - 02.10.2014 at 20:32:36
če koga to zanima

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5883 - 11.10.2014 at 16:25:02

But there is an ingredient to global warming that nobody talks about.  It’s not on the evening news, in any major articles around the web, on the radio, or on any talk shows, yet it’s the most important fact of all.  It’s literally mind blowing to consider the implications of the following scientific fact:

Every single planet in our solar system is experiencing the exact same changes the earth is experiencing.   Uranus, Pluto, Mercury, Mars, you name it.  Global warming is not an effect unique to the earth, but is instead a universal phenomenon that is happening throughout the entire solar system in ways that have been documented by Hubble, NASA, BBC, CNN, and mainstream university professors and scientists all over the world.  Every celestial body in our solar system is undergoing dramatic changes, meaning that global warming on earth would still be happening even if it was uninhabited by humans.  Here a just a few quick facts before we delve a little deeper into things:

Sun: The sun has had more activity since 1940 than in previous 1150 years combined

Mercury: Mercury is having magnetic tornadoes and has had unexpected polar ice discovered, along with a surprisingly strong intrinsic magnetic field.  This is all happening on a supposedly “dead” planet

Venus: has had a 2500% increase in auroral brightness and substantive global atmospheric changes in less than 30 years

Mars: Mars is having “Global Warming,” huge storms, development of new clouds and the disappearance of polar icecaps

Jupiter: Jupiter has had an over 200% increase in brightness of surrounding plasma clouds

Saturn: Saturn has had a major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only 20 years, accompanied by a surprising surge of X-rays from equator

Uranus: Uranus is experiencing “Really big, big changes” in brightness, and increased global cloud activity

Neptune: Neptune has had a recent 40% increase in atmospheric brightness - See more at: h

Pluto: Pluto has had a 300% increase in atmospheric pressure and is heating up, even as it recedes farther from the Sun
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5884 - 26.10.2014 at 19:55:28
to zgori se res preveč rado pozablja

pa še tale ...
Prevara zvana EBOLA: Doktor iz Gane potvrđuje da je Ebola velika prevara!
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5885 - 04.11.2014 at 21:57:02

Judgment Is Set
Today many matters will be settled in the nation of America. Do not think it strange, My children, when you see evil rulers on the thrones of an evil nation.

When a nation turns from My ways and refuses to honor Me, it is led astray by the lusts of its people and destruction always follows.

There is little repentance in America today that would allow Me to show it mercy. The time has been set for judgment and it quickly approaches. Some of you will be coming home to Me in these judgments, but I shall gather you quickly, so do not fear, My little ones.

You are very precious to Me and I shall show those of you who do walk in My ways much mercy indeed.

Now is the time nations will be judged according to My Word. Those most like Me will suffer least, but all must be judged so that scripture is fulfilled.

I desire My children would spend their time in prayer and watching, and witnessing to all those around you, for the time of My judgments grows nearer with each day and will come suddenly upon you.

Do not be found sleeping, My children, but awake, in My mighty harvest. Work while it is still day!

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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5886 - 06.11.2014 at 12:28:53
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5887 - 21.11.2014 at 11:30:43


I have been exposing the secret Hollywood Illuminati occult for the last 5 years now, and i am still surprised of the ignorance of some people that say there is no secret society. By their symbols and signs these Illuminati member are easily recognized and are part of promotion for New World Order.

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I Love YaBB 2!
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5888 - 02.01.2015 at 20:36:58
Out of Obscurity - The Year of the Platform

I am calling My people out of obscurity in 2015. Those of you who have been hidden for a time in darkness as I prepared you, get ready to step forth into the light! Your preparation was necessary, that you might be able to withstand the wiles of the enemy when you walk into the limelight.

Prepare your hearts, My children, for your lives are about to change forever. I will raise you up on new platforms to teach and preach to My other children, that all may be made ready for the end of time, the soon coming return of My precious Son, Jesus. Your hearts must be truly to please Me, and not yourself, for when this begins, you shall receive offers and invitations that are not wholly My will for you. I will say no at times and you will not understand why, but I see the motives of every man’s heart. Not all that is good is My will, not all that is bad isn’t. My thoughts are higher than yours, My ways more eternal. Set yourselves to follow My will, no matter the cost, no matter what others may say, and you shall be saved. You will be safe in the midst of the horrors that will soon visit the earth, safe in the midst of famine, safe in the midst of every storm, that you may continue doing My will, and spreading My Word.

As I have told you, all is not as it appears to be. Much of what you now see is not what you think it is, or why. You have no need to worry about these things, only trust in Me, walk in My will, and keep Me first in your heart at all times. I will shelter you.

Even now some of My children are starting to see the signs I am moving you into the limelight. Flow with Me, My children. Let Me make the moves, for I alone know the way, and where You are called to be at any given time.

You shall  no longer be free to do as you wish, you must do as I will if you wish to keep the anointing and holy power I pour out on you. No longer will you be allowed to walk where evil abounds (in my spirit, I saw bars, etc.), for My people must be of one mind (not double-minded) and one purpose – that being to serve My people and do My will, not your own.

My people must live holy lives if they are to serve Me in this capacity, for My power does not flow with compromise.

Choose you this day whom you will serve, and do not look back. Ahead of you are great rewards indeed, if you sacrifice the desires of your flesh and your worldly dreams and follow Me.

2015 Is the Year of the Platform

Already My people sense the change coming. And change is coming for My children. Good change.

This will be the year of the platform for My people. This is the year I will raise up a platform for those called to My purposes. I have given some of you a voice, now I will reveal where I desire you to use it. (I saw some writing, some speaking, some singing)

Speak boldly for Me, My children, for the end is very near now and your time grows shorter by the day. Many are still lost, on the road to destruction, and many who claim to be Mine are not. I will continue to warn them through signs and wonders, through My other children, and through My Word, until the end.

(At this point, and I didn’t understand it right at that moment, I saw rugs being yanked out from under people – it goes with what is next).

The level I raise each of My children to this year depends on how faithful you have shown yourselves to be – in My Word, in My Kingdom work, in your duties as Christians in the earth. I will not promote those who have not shown themselves to be honest, diligent, faithful, and Christ-like in their dealings. Remember, My children, I judge the hearts as much as the actions themselves. Both must be right.

For those who have refused to answer My call, what you have shall be taken from you and given to one more deserving. My children, if you love Me, you will obey Me. Yet many of My children still refuse to do as I ask them. The rewards go to those who do obey.

I cannot use those who refuse to prepare and I will not use those who refuse to obey.

Choose now – who will you obey? Me or your flesh?


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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5889 - 19.01.2015 at 02:13:53
Veritas Radio - Clif High - Where Are We?


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« Last Edit: 20.01.2015 at 11:55:19 by gape »  

Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5890 - 25.01.2015 at 19:44:00

Nibiru - Planet X - Battling a Forced Pole Shift - Must Watch

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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5891 - 26.01.2015 at 11:06:16
gemba wrote on 25.01.2015 at 19:44:00:
Nibiru - Planet X - Battling a Forced Pole Shift - Must Watch


hardkorovskiga si najdu

Cars exploding on their own because it's so hot? It's happening. Is a large celestial object orbiting closer to Earth every year? Is this the year? Every summer the earth goes through some serious changes. Some great Nibiru perspective in this one at 22:12. The volcano shot has some incredible sounds if you listen, and hopefully the volcano exploding lava is something you ONLY see on video. Cheers to that.
I made this video to try to place the viewer in a perspective of 'being on the other end of the camera,' to think outside the box, and realize the likes as to what has been starting to occur more, and more, 'every summer.' Prepare in whatever way you can - for if the water shuts down, the city decides to flush the pipes, an earthquake, or worse (God forbid).
Realize what is happening and starting the happen around you. It's a part of life, but one that should not be ignored. DO what you will. Thanks for watching.
Every summer the planet earth experiences some very serious 'torque.' Feel free to share this video, I just put it here for reasons of my own. A pattern that I have noticed over the years? Every June to September holds some 'very odd' sudden surprises or 'reactions' of our very planet.
The video ends containing information that you may think unnecessary but think again.. it's all relevant.
You decide... but something is amiss and in ways like never before. Is this the 'big' event?
Prepare? For what? Anything. Flood, earthquake, tornado, etc.
Just in case. Better to be prepared with a plan than 'not at all,' don't you think?
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The Land of YaBB
Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5892 - 05.02.2015 at 03:51:15
Octogon - The Empire of Darkness

the enemy within

Octogon - motherland
base - switzerland
Swiss inquisition
Nazi Templars

6 - masons/templars - political wing - orders
8 - executional - army - police - H

ss = isis = iziz

long hair = european
skinhead - nazi = faraonic (warrior)

pharaonic viper sign



6 - 8 - 4



tale lih kle na konc paše ...
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« Last Edit: 08.02.2015 at 12:14:07 by gape »  

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5893 - 15.02.2015 at 11:19:38
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: end of days 2012 and beyond
Reply #5894 - 23.02.2015 at 16:22:13

The International Space Station Masonic Hoax

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