Subject: Pass your drug test


Legal Options to Illegal Drugs
End Harmful & Illegal Drug Abuse
For your absolutely LEGAL
Pleasure and Delight...
You must be 21 Years of age!!!

Celebrate Don't Devastate!
Don't Lose that Job to a Failed Drug Test!!

There are MANY websites out there that sell "Marijuana Alternatives" and other 'drug' alternatives.
Go ahead and check them out before you order from us... Look at the ingredients that they are
made of (
if they dare to tell you) and you will see that you can buy them from almost ANY 'nutrition
'type' store. Some of their mixtures are
VERY HARMFUL. Our herbs are of a VERY HIGH quality and
they are the safest mixtures on the planet, while being the most
POTENT you can buy LEGALLY.

Money Saving Special Offers at the bottom of this box !

<Cannabis/Marijuana Option>2oz..$75.00
This is a VERY POTENT, loose-leaf formula that can be rolled, bowled,
brewed or smoked with a pipe. FREE PIPE Included.

Half-edged Lily-rare Bian Lian (lobeline factors), Kona Lactuca
virosa, Yucatan Turnera aphrodisaca, Hawaiian Vervain (Maui strain), Siberian
Leonorus Sibricus, rare Lotus Leaf, Jamaican Blue Verbena officinalis,
Spanish Peumus Crocus Sativa, Chinese (flowering-tops only) Horny Goat Weed
Ginko Biloba, African Cola Vera, and African Wilde Dagga (flowering-tops only).
Chen Chen Herba does not include any tobacco or any cannabis factors.

TONGA TAI BRICK<Cannabis/Marijuana Option>
.75 oz brick ... $75.00

This is a Solid Hashish Formatted Smoking Blend. To be pipe smoked... a single pinch
goes a long way. Some people mix Chen Chen Herba and Tonga Tai Brick to
make the ultimate "Temple Ball" for a very RARE kind of smoke!
Comes with a FREE PIPE!

Ingredients: Extreme ratio extractments ranging from 8.5 to 1, to 100 to 1
viripotent concentrations Drachasha, Chavana Prash, Trikatu, Black Seed Herb,
Hybrid Flowering Turnera Diffusa, Capillaris Herba, Angelica Root, Wild Dagga
mature leaf matter, Haritaki, Shatavari, Labdunum, Neroli, Unicorn Root, Papaver
Rhoes, Dendrobian stems, Calea Zacalechichi buddings, Rue, Amla, Salvia
Divinorum, Crocus Sativa, Lotus and Gokshura cuttings.

TONGA TAI HAPPY DROPS<Cannabis/Marijuana Option>
2oz. dropper bottle…..$11500

A breakthrough!!!! Liquid Alternative for the Non-Smoker. To use, just put several
drops under the tongue or into a small glass of juice. 70+ servings.

Ingredients: Includes the following quantum-ratio, core-extracted/refined botanicals
in an alcohol base as a preservative: Albizzia flower-tops, Drachsha, Chavana Prash,
Lactuca Virosa, Hybrid Flowering Turnera Diffusa, Wild Dagga, Capillaris Herba, Angelica
Root, Zizyphi Spinosae, Buplerum, Hybrid Valeriana officinalis Root, Albizzia flower-tops,
mature Polygonum Vine, Calea Zacatechichi, Crocus Sativa flower-tops, Leonorus
Sibricus buds, Cinnabris, Margarita herba, Biotae Orientalis, Salviae Miltiorrhizae

1 oz. dropper bottle …..$90.00
Promotes both physical & psychological Desire & Uninhibitedness.
For men & women!!! Under the tongue or in juice. 45+ servings.

Ingredients: Whole MaHuang, Bee Pollen, Epimedium Angelica, Rehmannia,
Schizandra, Polygonatum, Adenophora, Tremella, Tang Kuei, Reishi,
Codonopsis, Eucommium, Lycii Berry, Ligusticum, Peony Root, Fo Ti,
Atractylodes, Ophiopogon, Royal Jelly, Euryales Seeds, Poria, Licorice,
Mountain Peony Bark, Cormi Fruit, Rose Hips, Prince Ginseng, Scrophularia,
Alisma, Astragalus, Fennel, uplerium, Cypera, Aconite, Polygala, Red Sage
Root, Jujube Seed, Lotus Seed, Tien Chi Ginseng, Ligus Ticum, Psoralea,
Seed, and Cisthanches in a solution containing 24% pure grain alcohol
as a
preservatve, distilled water and Lecithen as an emulsifier.

5.) HARMONY SNOOT<Cocaine/Meth Option>$85.00
An inhalant powder originally designed to help end cocaine and methamphetamine
dependencies…Very psychologically uplifting, very mood-enhancing, very
multi-level (body-mind-spirit) energizing. Non-invasive!!! Just a little “Row" is
all you need..3 dry oz. bottle (well over 600 servings)
(includes glass snooter)

Ingredients: Indian L. (Malva-branca) (unique concentrate containing 0.8%
natural, lecularly stable, standardized ephedrine alkoloids; 8 mg. per gram),
rare Chinese Chai Hu concentrate & Ye Jiao Teng concentrate & Yuan Zhi
concentrate and L-Carnosine.

'Hard Economy' 2 for 1 Sale* on Selected Items... For a limited time only, buy one and get one FREE, on Chen Chen Herba,  Tonga Tai Brick or Harmony Snoot !

Extravaganza INTRO OFFER*….Everything Above for…..
….(Reg. Price.$480.00)

Smoka INTRO OFFER*... 2 oz Chen Chen Herba, 2 oz brick of Tonga Tai
... (Reg. Price $190.00)

*Includes Pipe and personal brass huuka


TO ORDER / MORE INFO please call 719-661-3442 during normal
business hours.
All orders shipped next day via U.S. Priority Mail.
Please add $7.00 S&H to all orders.

All credit cards accepted.

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