Avtor povzetka knjige Nov obstoj: gape
Datum: 05-11-01 15:45

Sem prebral knjigo.




Sem zvedel kar nekaj novih stvari.
Ena, na primer, je ta:
Kako jesti, pa ne ubijati.
Tudi rastline ubijemo, θe jih hoθemo pojesti.
Ampak rastline ne ubiješ, ko poješ z drevesa sadež. Niti sluθajno. Θe ga ne poješ, pade na tla in zgnije.
Θlovekova avtentiθna hrana je sadje.

Da se preživeti npr. celo samo z jabolki. Lojze je živi dokaz za to.
Temeljni sadež imenuje tisti sadež, ki more v nekem podnebnem pasu kot stalna hrana pokriti θas celega leta, vse letne θase, bodisi da stalno rodi ali pa se ohranja.



Avtor povzetka…



I read the book.




He knows!!!





When I read the book Alojz wrote, I found out lots of new stuff.

One of them is:

how to eat without killing.

We kill even vegetables, if we want to eat them.

But, you don't kill a plant, when you eat its fruit. Not by a
chance. If you do not eat it, it falls on the ground and rots there.

Human authentical food are fruits.

You can live just by eating, let's say - apples. Alojz is a living proof for that.
He calls basical fruit the fruit, that people can eat in their climate zone as 'all
the time food', which means, that this fruit grows throughout the seasons or could be naturally conserved.


Pa grem po vrsti: θeprav Lojzetu ni všeθ, da se napisano v knjigi trga iz konteksta (celote), pa ne morem pomagat.
Kar je ljudem treba povedat, jim je treba povedat!




I will go by the line now, although Alojz doesn't like the writings in the book to be taken out of context (wholness), but I can't help myself:

What people need to know, they need to know!


Vrednote življenja v zgodovinskem napredovanju so bile: boj, vera (bog), delo, denar.

Do danes smo poznali 4 (5) temelje življenja: zemlja, voda, zrak, ogenj, (eter).
Od danes naprej poznamo sedem temeljev obstoja:
1. Hrana (ne zemlja). 

Temeljno odkritje: AVTENTIΘNOST HRANE à avtentiθna hrana θloveka so sadeži.
2. Voda in
3. zrak –

ostajata neizpodbitni resnici, vendar pa nista tu zavoljo uporabe, paθ pa za živetje.
4. Naravne toplote po soncu (ne ogenj) - ogenj ni stalnica, zato ni temelj življenja.

Novo spoznani temelji obstoja:
5. Življenjska moθ - je sestavina vseh sedmih temeljev obstoja.
6. Obstajanje v sebi (biti v sebi) - tu doživljamo vse temelje obstoja.
7. Naravni zakoni - absolutne naravne resnice, ki vedno delujejo.


The values (merits) of life in historical progress of mankind were: fight, religion (god), work, money.

Until today we have known four (or five) basis of life: earth, water, air, fire, (ether).

From now on we know seven Bases of Existence:

1. FOOD (not earth)

The fundamental discovery: THE AUTHENTICITY OF FOOD à The authentical
 food of human beings are fruits.

2. WATER and
3. AIR –

these two remain indisputable truth, but the water is not here to be re-made into other products, but to be used for living the way it is.

4. NATURAL WARMTH OF THE SUN (not fire) – the fire is not a permanent part of Earth, so it is not one of the basis of Existence.

Newly recognized Bases of Existence:


5. LIFE POWER  – it is present in all seven basis of life.

6. SELFEXISTENCE (to exist in yourself) – here we experience all the bases.

7. THE LAWS (Principles) OF NATURE - the absolute natural truths, which work all the time and everywhere.




Danes je denar bog, delo pa podbog.
Delo je temelj θloveškega obstoja. To velja, odkar je θlovek zaθel jesti drugo kot sadeže narave (to je od izgona iz raja).
Toda delo ni temelj obstoja, kakor Lojze lepo pokaže.



Today money is god and work is a minor god (subgod).

»The Work is one of the bases of human existence«. That has been so since the time, when human animal started to eat something else but his authentical food (that was after the exile of man from the garden of Eden.)

But work is not one of the basis of existence, as Alojz shows nicely.


Naša civilizacija pozna dva sloja ljudi:
Ali delaš v družbi za družbo ali zasedaš mesto 'na raθun drugih'.
To sta edina mogoθa naθina obstoja.
Ta družba ne priznava ŽIVLJENJA.



Our civilization knows two kinds of people:

Either you work in the society for the society, or you are in a place, where you live on account of others.
These are the only two possible ways.

This society doesn't acknowledge the LIFE.


Budizem je najbolj neosvajalska religija, taoizem kot filozofija pa je najbližji neposredno delujoθim

resnicam narave.



Buddhism is the least conquering religion and Taoism as the philosophy is the closest
to the active truths of nature.


Za vsak bolezenski pojav je θlovek sam kriv, θe ne zgolj kot posameznik, pa ljudje kot veθja celota.



For every disease is responsible a person him/herself, if not as an individual, than the people as a larger whole.


Resnica o Prometeju in Nov obstoj - Lojzetov spregled tega mita je naravnost carski.



The truth about Prometeus and The New Existence – Alojz`s comprehension of this myth is
simply unique.



Avtentiθno gibanje θloveka je HOJA. Vsi športi so muθenje telesa in so tu samo za to, da nas navajajo na boj.
Osnovni pojem športa je bil in ostal v pojmu 'premagati'.



The human authentical movement is WALKING. All sports are a torturing of the body. They
are here only because of the fight feeling (and money).

The point of sport was and remains in notion to 'overcome' somebody.



GLOBALNE DOBE - globalni uvidi - odkritje globalnih dob.

Nagonska globalna doba:

Izvirno sadjejedstvo à ogenj à ubijanje in jedenje živali (izgon iz raja) à  pojav zavesti sebe v θutnostih à izhod iz avtentiθnega okolja à prve oblike besednega izražanja.




GLOBAL ERAS – the recognition of global eras.

Global era of instinct :

Original fruit eating
à fire à killing and eating animals (exile from the heaven) à  the apperance of the sensual self-consciousness à the way out of the authentical environment à first forms of verbal communication.


Globalna doba verske zavesti:

Vdor v zemljo (bog/naravne zakonitosti je preziral poljedelca Kajna in imel raje pastirja Abela) à obrt à doba simbolov à prisege, zaobljube, vdanost, milost, zvestoba, dostojanstvo à razvoj magije.
Vsa doba je bilo θustvo!



 Global era of religious consciousnes – era of emotions:

Penetration into the Earth (God/the laws of nature contempted agriculturist Kajn and prefered shepherd Abel)
à handcraft à era of symbols à era of oaths, vows, devotion, mercy, fidelity, dignity à growth of magic.

The whole era was an emotion!


Globalna doba materialistiθne zavesti - doba misli:

Θlovek vsejedec (strokovni uživaθ) à industrijska hrana à alkohol, kajenje, mamila à skrenjenost in degeneracija teles à velikansko izrabljanje narave à voda se ne pije, ampak predeluje à naravne nesreθe velikih razsežnosti à AIDS ipd. à (vele)mesta - rakave tvorbe na zemlji à planetarno onesnaževanje, izpuhi in izgorevanja zgošθenega svetovnega prometa, topla greda, podnebni zlomi, propadanje biološke razliθnosti na Zemlji à ogroženost obstoja življenja na planetu Zemlja.

Vsaka sodobna industrijska hrana je mamilo - ker izzove zasvojenost in povzroθa posledice.

Doba zasvojenosti.



Global era of materialistic consciousness - era of thoughts:

All eating man (an expert gastronomer, man of pleasure)
à industrial food à alchohol,
smoking, drugs
à divergions and a degeneration of bodies à huge exploitations of nature à water hasn't been for drinking anymore, but it has been altering and used in production à natural disasters of great extensions à AIDS etc. à (mega)cities – a cancerous formations on the Earth à the planetary pollution, increasing traffic, greenhouse effect, climate changes, extinction of biological difference on Earth à existence of life on the Earth has been menaced.

Every modern industrial food is a drug - because it creates addiction and causes consequences.

Era of addictions.



Prvi cilkus sveta - pred izpadom iz nagonsko avtentiθnega prehranjevanja (do ledene dobe?).

Drugi ciklus sveta obsega tri globalne dobe, razjasnjene po temeljni hrani:
1. Po izpadu θloveške živali iz avtentiθnega prehranjevanja prehod na mesno prehranjevanje in uporabo ognja.
2. Travna semena, z ognjem pretvorjena v užitnost. Riž na toplih moθvirnatih predelih Azije in žita ob blatnem Nilu.
Vdor v zemljo
à pojav dela à pojav lenobe in prelaganja na druge in izrabljanja.
3. Znanstveno-industrijska globalna doba in vsehrana.





¨        The First cycle of the world - before quiting instinctively chosen authentical food (till the ice age?)

¨        The Second cycle of the world includes three global eras - understood through authentical food:

1. After abandoning authentical food the human animal started eating meat and using fire.

2. Eating 'seeds of the grass', changed to edibility by fire. Rice in warm and swampy areas of Asia and corn around the muddy Nil.

Penetration into the earth à the occurrence of work à the occurrence of idleness – work transpositioned to others – exploitation.

3. Scientifical-industrial global era and 'all eating man'.

Prihodnji ciklus sveta:

Stopnja zavesti avtentiθnega življenja.
Ozavedenje in postopno udejanjanje sedmih temeljev obstoja. (Stran 218)
Vsaka globalna doba je presegla prejšnjo in na svoj naθin ukinjala lastnosti prejšnje in še prejšnjih. Vendar so vse globalne dobe ponekod obstajale naprej in še obstajajo. Tako bo tudi v prihodnosti, a s to razliko: Nov obstoj bo presegal zdajšnjo vladajoθo globalno dobo uma, in ostanke prejšnjih, ne bo pa ukinjal/zatiral/uniθeval prejšnje.
Potujemo proti zaθetnemu preobratu v nov ciklus življenja na svetu.
Nad možganskim - umskim središθem, pa vendarle iz glave, iz celovite moθi možganov, telesa in zakonov narave, izhaja sedmo središθe - raven zavesti resnice. To je duh!  Ki bo naslednja stopnja življenja. (Stran 234.)


¨       The next cycle of the world:

The next level of consciousness, the awareness of all-embracing law of authentical life.


The awareness and gradual realisation by living the seven basis of existence.

Every global era has exceeded the previous one and in its own way suppressed the existence of previous one and precedent ones. But all the global eras have always been present in some forms of mentality and in some places. It will be the same in the future, but with one exception: The New Existence will transcend the present ruling era of intellect and the remains of all precedent eras, but it will not intent to cancel/destroy/suppress the previous ones.

We are traveling towards the first turn to the new cycle of all-embracing life in the world.

Above the brain-mind center, but still out of the head, from the united power of the brain, body and the laws of nature, comes the seventh center - the level of spiritual consciousness of the truth. That is the spirit! And it will be the next step of life. (Page 234.)


Podzavestni nesporazum je v tem, da je užitek 'dober'.

'Dobro' krepi življenske moθi. 'Dobro' je svoboda! SVOBODA OD!
Užitek izθrpava življensko moθ. Užitek zasvaja - odvzema svobodo. Kroniθno vsesplošno izθrpavnje Življenja na planetu Zemlja z vrhunskim razvojem zdajšnje civilizacije širi mnoge globalne posledice, npr. propad življenjskih odpornosti pri ljudeh (rak, AIDS), naprej splošno uniθevanje narave, zasvojenost od zunanjih energij, jedrska energija, splošna nasilja civilizacije nad življenjem pri ustvarjanju koristi, sla po uniθevanju ...
V vseh θasih ljudje samodejno jemljejo kot 'slabo' tisto, kar v neki θasovni sredini velja za 'slabo'. V tem tiθi tudi uθinkovit sistem kontrole vladajoθih vrhov. Danes je npr. 'slabo' `siromaštvo`.
Novi θlovek odgovornejše obθutljivosti in globljih videnj teži za tem, da bi se rešil navezanosti na vse to in odvisnosti od vsega tega.


There is a subconscious missunderstanding that pleasure is 'good'.

The real 'good' enhances the powers of life. The real 'good' is freedom! FREEDOM FROM!

Pleasure drains out the life powers. Pleasure creates addiction - it takes freedom away.

Cronical draining of Life on the Earth, all over the planet, by the topmost progress of the current civilisation, spreads many global consequences: the degeneration of vital resistance in people (cancer, AIDS etc.), the general exhaustion of nature all over the planet, nuclear power, addiction to the exterior superenergies, general violence over life for creating profits, lust for destruction …

In all times people automatically see the 'bad' the way it had been defined as 'bad' in their place and time. And inhere lies an effective control system of the ruling class (big profit makers). Today, for example, is 'bad' to be poor, which triggers a constant urge to get richer and get more pleasure - far over needs and possibilities.

The new man, more responsible, with more sensibility and deeper views, tends to rescue himself from attachments and addiction to all that.


Nov obstoj je popolnoma nekaj novega - "drug planet".
Prinaša nova odkritja naravnih zakonov, ki so v svojem bistvu temelj možnega
novega obstoja vsega živega na planetu. Je nov obstoj = new existence!
Ne ukvarja se s problemi ali egom posameznika. Vsebina Novega obstoja je
dojetje še nespoznane resnice naravnih zakonov.
Nov obstoj odkriva možnost novega obstoja na planetu Zemlja in sodi v θisto
Je globalna zadeva planeta Zemlje in predstavlja nov dosežek θloveške zavesti.




The New Existence is something totally new – 'another planet'.

It brings new discoveries of natural laws, which are in their essence the foundation of a possible new existence of all living beings on the planet. It is The New Existence!

It does not deal with the problems or ego of an individual. The contents of The New
Existence tackles the comprehension of untill now unknown truths about natural laws.

The New Existence uncovers a possibility of a new existence on the planet Earth.
The New Existence discoveries belong to pure science.

The New Existence is a global affair concerning the Earth and it represents a new achievement of human consciousness.


Temeljna možnost za izhod iz ekološke katastrofe sveta skozi proces
udejanjanja novo odkritih zakonov narave in globalne zavesti.
Izvirna pobuda za svetovni projekt Nov obstoj.
Izziv za znanstvena opazovanja s pristnim odnosom.
Pogledi globalne zavesti, široke razgledanosti in zaznavnih opazovanj.
Kompozicija življenjske polnosti in obθutljivih notranjih doživljanj.
Pozorno branje. Osredotoθenja. Vzdušja. Moθ jezika. Veθkratna branja. Trajna
Reθeno je bilo, da je ta knjiga nov otrok.




v      A basic possibility to come out of the ecological catastrophe through the process of living by the newly discovered natural laws and developing the global consciousness.

v      An original initiative for The New Existence World Project.

v      The challenge for scientific observations, based on a genuine relation.

v      Wiews of a global consciousness, wide knowledge and perceptive observations.

v      A composition full of life and sensitive inner experiences.

v      Attentive reading. Concentration. Atmospheres (feelings). Power of language. Repetitive readings. An everlasting book.

v      It was said, that this book was a new child.